The Spirit Mother got between them before things could progress any further. “Stop,” the Spirit Mother said. “You must stop. Quinn, G’aladon, please remain calm. I can bring Roarke back, but you must stay focused on him, not on your desire for vengeance. You are destroying yourselves by summoning such power to your aid. Havedok, leave before you cause any further damage.”
“You cannot order me around, Shaiyta.” The panther growled. “I am not your slave.”
“Leave,” the white wolf repeated. “I will not say this again. You have hurt one of my children, and I don’t take kindly to such betrayals.”
A small trickle of hope invaded Quinn’s soul, like a hesitant ray of sunlight struggling its way through the clouds. It was probably foolish of him to believe in such words of encouragement. The Spirit Mother hadn’t prevented Roarke from being killed in the first place. But she had helped them free G’aladon. If nothing else, her intentions were good, and Quinn was fairly certain that she did indeed have the ability to return Roarke to them. Not to mention that Quinn wasn’t actually sure that he and G’aladon could win in a battle against that damned Havedok. The Spirit Mother, on the other hand, was more than a formidable opponent, and she seemed very pissed.
Perhaps realizing that as well, the panther backed down. Quinn didn’t want to let him off that easily, but the choice was taken out of his hands. “Very well, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when he turns against you and your kind,” the panther said.
With that final warning, he disappeared, leaving no trace that he’d ever been there. Instantly, the Spirit Mother was by their side. Hewitt, Devon, and Mason, who had been impotently watching the entire scene, followed behind her. G’aladon and Quinn knelt by their dead mate’s side, hugging him once more. The rigidity of death had already started to settle in. Could the Spirit Mother truly cast it aside?
Before Quinn could express any possible doubt, a bright light bled out of the Spirit Mother and into Roarke. Instantly, the deathly palor of the feral’s skin vanished, turning into a healthy, rosy hue. The feral took a deep breath and cracked his eyes open.
The transition was so smooth that Quinn almost thought it was all a dream. Unable to hold back, he mapped Roarke’s beloved face with his fingers, tracing the lines of his cheeks and his nose, brushing his thumb over Roarke’s lips to truly acknowledge that yes, his mate was breathing. G’aladon crushed Roarke to his chest, not even trying to mask the tears flowing down his cheeks.
“You’re back. Oh gods, you’re alive.”
“Wow.” Roarke sounded gobsmacked. “I guess I am. I just…What happened?”
“Havedok’s power struck you very hard,” the Spirit Mother replied. “If you hadn’t gotten in the way, he would have killed G’aladon, and I’m not sure I could have brought him back. He knew this.” Veiled anger burned in her voice. “I did not realize he meant to betray me. I apologize.”
Quinn had not expected that, but it seemed that in dealings between godlike beings, everyone was fallible. He truly did not know what to say. He was too overwhelmed by the joy of having Roarke back to even think.
G’aladon found his composure faster than Quinn. “Thank you,” he said in a choked voice. “Thank you, Shaiyta. For this, you have my allegiance for all time.”
“No thanks are needed. He is my child. I love Roarke, and I love you and Quinn for what you give him.”
There were so many things Quinn wanted to say, to do, mostly rotating around kissing Roarke, making love to him, and reassuring himself that the feral was truly there. However, the Spirit Mother had other plans. “Unfortunately, Havedok is not one to accept defeat easily,” she said. “You two challenged him, and even if you could not have defeated him, you did take him by surprise. He is very angry now. Quinn, he might try to
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