The Man with the Golden Typewriter

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Authors: Bloomsbury Publishing
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global head. I will sort the matter out somehow.
    2. Ivar and I have had a preliminary talk with [Paul] Gallico about a weekly or monthly column, and the omens are favourable, but he has now buried himself in Devonshire, and I think further progress will have to await my return.
    Perhaps we could talk this over in New York and send him a joint letter.
    3. Noel Barber 2 will resume his Paris column under the name of “Noel Anthony”. I gather this will start up in two or three weeks time.
    4. The Truman news is most exciting and I will throw an expensive fly over my proprietor before I leave. 3 This seems to me an extremely valuable property and, as I have told Ivar, my first reaction is that the whole syndication should be handled by the best agent on a 10% basis, thus you will squeeze dollars out of many tiny papers around the world, as well as out of the big ones.
    I propose to suggest to K[emsley] a price of $300 per article for the “Sunday Times”, which is about what a Sunday paper would bear. I will bring all my findings in this matter with me.
    5. Please tell Mr. Wheeler 4 that the Carol series is now running in the “Sunday Empire News”, of which he should examine the last two numbers. The remainder is not yet written, but I will try and bring over some more in draft form.
    6. The Gallico series here was a resounding success. I am sending Schell [the editor] full cuttings, as they may assist the Pulitzer Prize project on the grounds of helping to further Anglo-American relations. I am delighted that the project was so supremely successful.
    7. Miss Short and her secretary have moved into a neighbouring office to mine today, and they are very comfortable. We are having our first European N.A.N.A. meeting at 11.30 tomorrow with the Vice-President sitting on the Vice-Chairman’s knee, the London Editor and Manager on the Vice-President’s and a pretty secretary on the London Manager and Editor’s. This is known in some circles as a “Turkish sandwich”.
    8. (Next day). K, as I cabled you, will play, but of course is most anxious to know when the series will start. I said in a few weeks time, and that I would try to learn some more in New York. You might have got a higher price elsewhere in London but Ivar was most keen that K should have first refusal, and this is the top price the “Sunday Times” will pay. More about this and other projects when I see you.
    9. Ivar adds to my paragraph 2 that Gallico is much firmer than I suggest. He would write a weekly column on anything that caught hiseye in the news, and he suggests that we try out some of the customers to see what the traffic will stand.
    10. We had this arrangement with Gallico on the “Sunday Times” and also on the “Daily Graphic”. His copy is always acceptable to the middle of a paper’s readership, and it is always punctual. It won’t set the Mississippi on fire, but it will always command space. I think we would do well on a fifty-fifty basis. Perhaps Mr. Wheeler would like to talk to some of his friends.
    10 [sic]. I have looked into O.N.A. 5 and I attach the report of my very well-informed Berlin man. Without knowing all the facts, my impression of O.N.A. is that we might be buying a poke without even a pig in it.
    11. Your splendid letters have delighted both Ivar and me – at any rate the front pages. I have noticed that it is a trick of very rich, powerful and important men to write letters with a ballpoint pen on both sides of airmail paper. We will both hear what you had to say on your second pages when we meet.
    This is positively my last word before we meet in the flesh.
    Among the items that NANA highlighted in 1953 were the Kinsey report on the sexual habits of Americans and, perhaps unsurprisingly, Fleming’s own article for the
Sunday Times
on the Pierre St Martin cave in the French Pyrenees.
    September 9th, 1953
    Dear Ian,
    I followed

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