The Making of African America

The Making of African America by Ira Berlin

Book: The Making of African America by Ira Berlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ira Berlin
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    First published in 2010 by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Copyright © Ira Berlin, 2010 All rights reserved
    Berlin, Ira, 1941-The making of African America : the four great migrations / Ira Berlin. p. cm.
    Includes bibliographical references and index.
    eISBN : 978-1-101-18989-4
    1. African Americans—History. 2. African Americans—Migrations—History. 3. Slave trade—United States—History. 4. Slave trade—Atlantic Ocean—History. 5. Migration, Internal—United States—History. 6. United States—Emigration and immigration—History. 1. Title.
    E185.B4732010 973’.0496073—dc22 2009028366

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    Scholar, Teacher, Friend

[The preacher] says one thing and the congregation says it back, back forth, back forth, until we’re rocking together in a rhythm that won’t stop. His voice is low and rough and his guitar high and sweet; they seem to sing to each other, conversing in some heavenly language ...
—B. B. King and David Ritz, Blues All Around Me

    M ore than most fields of study, history is artisanal work, often the solitary labor of a lone mechanic tapping away at a word processor. Fortunately, that work goes on within a larger community, and while I have spent much time roaming stacks by myself and even more facing the blank screen of my PowerBook, I have also enjoyed—and profited mightily from—the conviviality of my fellow historians, archivists, and librarians as well as the editors, publishers, and booksellers who compose the larger community of historical scholarship. While this book could have been written and perhaps published and distributed without them, it would be a lesser product and I would be much impoverished by their absence.
    I would like to thank all of those who helped to grow this book from a fledging idea. My colleagues at the University of Maryland—most especially Elsa Barkley Brown, David Freund, Julie Greene, and Richard Price—listened to the ideas that form the basis of The Making of African America and provided the kind of nurturing intellectual

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