The Making of African America

The Making of African America by Ira Berlin Page B

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Authors: Ira Berlin
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I began with shared interest and rather uneven knowledge of free people of color in the antebellum South, with the balance heavily in his favor. He encouraged my interest and expanded my knowledge, providing sage advice and an example that only a master craftsman could offer. Later, he became a dear friend as well as the archetype of what a scholar should be. He left this world as The Making of African America was in the final stages of completion. It is dedicated to him with respect, gratitude, and love. He is missed.


    Abbott, Robert
    Abuza, Sophie
    African Americans’ ignorance of
    African Americans’ journeys to
    as cultural catchall
    fluidity of nationalities of
    free blacks’ migration to
    immigration from, late-twentieth-century. See fourth migration
    Loyal Blacks’ return to
    manumission in
    Middle Passage from. See Middle Passage
    political unrest in
    slavery in
    slave-trading states in
    African American, shunning of name
    African Americans
    American born. See American-born blacks
    as closed population
    culture, creation and recreation of
    as disproportionately at bottom of society
    divisions among
    elite. See elite blacks/Old Settlers
    foreign-born proportion
    free black. See free blacks
    history of. See history, African American
    idioms of pluralism and
    migrations by. See migrations, African American
    movement, importance to
    native born. See American-born blacks
    Northern. See Northern blacks
    other Americans and
    place, importance to
    politics of
    self-identity. See identity/self-identity
    slavery-to-freedom narrative, relevance to
    Southern. See Southerners, black
    unification of
    unique experience of
    African descent, immigrants of . See also African immigrants; Caribbean immigrants; specific groups
    age makeup of
    American-born blacks, ignorance of
    American-born blacks and, relationship between
    children’s’ education
    cities as destinations for
    community formation by
    diversity of
    economic advancement of
    educated professionals among
    employment opportunities for
    equality and
    family sponsorship of
    homeland contact maintained by
    information sources for
    institutions of
    majority status as familiar to
    national concentrations of
    nationalism of
    new identities of
    numbers of
    Obama and
    political awareness of
    racism and
    sexual makeup of
    transnationalism of
    violence against
    white America as seen by
    work ethic of
    African immigrants
    destinations for
    diversity of
    educational attainment of
    numbers of
    poverty of
    returns to homeland by
    African Methodist Episcopal Church
    African National Congress
    African National Union
    Africans, as product of New World
    African Union Society
    Afro-Christian church
    interior passage, effect on
    Loyal Blacks and
    Northern migrants and
    spread of
    agricultural system, Southern . See also plantation(s); specific crops
    black landowners in
    reduced need for labor in
    age and sex of slaves in
    black depopulation of
    black landowners in
    movement of slaves from
    movement of slaves to
    slave laws in
    slave population of
    third migration, effect on
    urban black population of
    Allen, Richard
    American-born blacks
    African immigrants and, relationship between
    African immigrants’ ignorance of
    racism as seen by
    American Colonization Society
    American revolution
    migration following
    weakening of slavery by
    amnesty programs
    Amsterdam News
    Angelou, Maya
    animal sacrifice
    Appomattox Club
    movement of blacks from
    movement of slaves to
    slave population of
    armed forces, desegregation of
    Armstrong, Louis
    Asian immigrants
    Association des Senegalais aux USA
    Atlanta Black Shirts
    Atlantic Creoles
    auto industry

    Baline, Israel
    Ball, Charles
    Bambaataa, Afrika
    Banneker, Benjamin
    Baraka, Amiri
    Baruch, Bernard
    Bennett, Lerone
    Berlin, Irving
    Bight of Biafra
    black belt, passage to. See

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