The Lie (The Skyy Huntington Series)

The Lie (The Skyy Huntington Series) by Holly Hudspeth

Book: The Lie (The Skyy Huntington Series) by Holly Hudspeth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Hudspeth
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from inside my room somewhere. He opened the door to the bathroom and flicked the light on. “You can stand up. Don’t be scared, I’m hurt and bleeding but I’m ok. I need you to come identify this man, tell me if you recognize him.”
    He moved the shower curtain back as I sat up. I was trembling with fear and I am sure I looked like shit. The tub was still wet from my shower earlier and the front of my PJ’s were all wet. He held out his hand to help me up, and I noticed he also had on PJ bottoms and a plain gray t-shirt. Looked like he was in relax mode when I interrupted him. Finally, I got a good look at Aiden. This guy was insanely good looking, he looked like he walked off the front page of a modeling magazine. His eyes were a light green color, and his jaw was strong and defined, his nose was just perfectly shaped with a little slope towards the end that was adorable. Yeah, his skin was definitely pale but what in the heck was this guy thinking when he said “I guess I look normal”. I was expecting a freak show, not eye candy.
    I noticed he was bleeding on the tile floor, from his left shoulder, it was dripping all the way down his left arm. I began crying again involuntarily. I was shaking like a leaf and felt so helpless.
    “You’re bleeding, let me get you a towel,” I managed to say. I grabbed a clean towel out of the small linen closet in the bathroom. Aiden took it and I helped him wrap his shoulder in it.
    “I’ll be ok, don’t worry about me. Are you alright? You’re pretty shaken up,” he asked as he looked at me with genuine concern in his eyes. I nodded.
    “I’ll be ok. Is the guy still in the house?” I asked.
    “Yes, he is taking a little rest right now.” he said with a grin. His smile was perfect, his teeth were perfect. Was there anything not perfect about this guy? I felt so homely next to him. “I’d like you to come tell me if you recognize him though, so we can determine if this was a random attack or deliberate.”
    “Should I call the cops?” I asked him.
    “Well, when I am done with him, he won’t remember his own name let alone you or breaking into your house. It is up to you if you want to involve the police, but I have bled all over your upstairs and I don’t particularly want to be involved in this crime scene if the police come here. I personally think you can skip it but if you would like to call them you can.”
    I trusted him, and knew he would probably wipe this guy’s memory just like he had the bartender’s the other night. I hated the police, and I was fine with not calling them, besides what kind of protection can they offer me that Aiden can’t?
    “Ok, I’ll skip the cops. Let me splash some water on my face and I will take a look at the guy.” I noticed that the towel I gave him was already almost soaked through with blood. Yet he was standing there like nothing at all was wrong. I went to the sink and splashed some cold water on my tear stained face, then dried it off, and straightened my pony tail. I was cold from the wet PJ’s. Aiden stood there silently watching my every move. I had really wished we had met in person under better circumstances.
    My dog had high-tailed it under the bed, and came out from under it when she saw me. Aiden saw the dog and bent down to pet her. Cupcake was wagging her tail like crazy and licking his good hand. Well, at least she liked him, which made me relax a little more. I am always uneasy around people my dog doesn’t like. “Stay here sweetie, Mommy will be right back,” I said to her as Aiden stood up to open the door.
    We walked into the hallway, which I noticed also had blood all over it. In my grandfather’s old room, on the floor, was a large man, I would say in his late forties, racked out unconscious. I had never seen him before. He was overweight and unshaven. He smelled like shit, and I would almost peg him for a homeless person if it wasn’t for the clothes he had on. He was dressed in black

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