The Last Kiss Goodbye

The Last Kiss Goodbye by Karen Robards

Book: The Last Kiss Goodbye by Karen Robards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Robards
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Mystery
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killer. He’s known as the Gingerbread Man.”
    “You know what, you need to rethink this whole serial killer gig you got going on,” Michael said. “And I’m being completely serious here.”
    “The Gingerbread Man?” Sager frowned doubtfully at her.
    “He’s been operating up and down the East Coast for at least the last two years.” Talking around the sudden tightness in her throat, Charlie directed her remarks to Sager and ignored the grim stare Michael was giving her. She took one last look at the piece of paper—the words You can’t catch me leaped out at her like the taunt they were meant to be—then carefully refolded it, slid it back inside the envelope, and started to put the envelope on the table.
    It took every bit of self-control she had to keep her hands steady.
    “You can get another job,” Michael told her. “Most shrinks write prescriptions for kids with ADHD. They talk fat cats off the ledge when the economy tanks. They listen to middle-aged women cry about their empty nests. They don’t put their lives at risk every single day. That’s crazy.”
    “Uh, would you mind dropping that in here?” The same cop who had bagged the knife held open another plastic bag to receive the letter. Doing her best to keep a clear head, Charlie obediently dropped it in. The idea that yet another serial killer had her in his sights was stirring up nightmare memories that she’d thought – hoped – prayed - she’d put to rest.
    “Well, now, I never heard of anyone called that,” Sager said. “A serial killer, you say. Here in town?”
    “Yes. At least, tonight he was.” Serial killers had always existed. They always would. That she had become enmeshed in their darkness was her bad luck. As she accepted the harsh truth of that, Charlie forgot all about her wobbly legs, the lingering remnants of nausea, the exhaustion that had been creeping over her, her very mixed emotions about what she had done with Michael. What she had been hoping to return to—her peaceful existence, her safe little house, the distance she had carefully crafted between herself and the serial killers she analyzed in hopes of learning what made them tick so that others of their ilk could be identified and stopped before they hurt anyone else—had just been blasted to hell. Once again, she was being plunged into the horror she had spent most of her life trying to avoid.
    The Gingerbread Man had been in her house less than an hour before. What she wanted to do—turn back the clock, erase the last hour, go on like Jenna McDaniels had never come banging on her door—was impossible. That being the case, she had no choice but to deal. And dealing meant taking up the Gingerbread Man’s challenge, doing her best to make sure that he got caught. If she did not succeed, he would kill again, and soon. Even if she turned her back on the challenge, left the investigation up to Sager and the FBI agents who were supposedly on the way, she still would not be able to simply go on with her life. A vicious, conscienceless serial killer had entered her house and left her a message. He knew who she was, where she lived, and what she did. He was interested in her. What were the chances that he would just forget all about her, go away and leave her alone if she refused to play? None. Zero. Zip.
    She had always been good at grasping the reality of a situation, and as she recognized the reality of that she pushed the fear and dread that were her first reactions aside. They would do her no good at all. For whatever reason, this was the hand she had been dealt.
    If she had no choice but to play, then she was damned well going to play to win.
    You have to outthink him, she told herself, and squared her shoulders in preparation.
    Okay. He had to have left trace evidence behind. For one thing, it was raining: there should be footprints in the muddy yard. Jenna had run to her house from somewhere presumably nearby. If investigators were very, very lucky, it

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