The Last Gallon

The Last Gallon by William Belanger

Book: The Last Gallon by William Belanger Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Belanger
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense
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everyone else held on for dear life. Bullets started plinking off the roof of the car as soon as it became clear that they were not going to be cooperative.
    As the car rushed through a plume of black smoke there was suddenly a clearing. Two Mack trucks with jury-rigged armor were set like an arrow head with 6 men standing between them with what looked like a wooden gate. The trucks were running and it was quite clear they were going to close the gap since Mark was not going to stop. Behind him two more trucks had already closed the escape route.
    “Joey, AP left then right, Cindy lay down cover fire” Mark shouted. Joey popped the turret and the two squeezed through the opening. Cindy fired Joey’s M4 at the roadblock guards and sent them scrambling while Joey fired the XM307 in anger for the first time. The round did exactly as advertised and absolutely destroyed the rig’s engine block. By the time the first round impacted Joey had already fired the second and as the Armadillo passed through the roadblock with a crash of splintering wood the second Mack truck was immobilized with the shape charged round. Cindy turned around and fired a couple bursts at the roadblock to keep the survivors pinned down but it was quite clear they wouldn’t be pursuing the car.
    A bullet deflecting off the roof behind the turret sent Joey and Cindy diving into the car ungracefully. Cindy bumped her head on the grenade launcher coming down and Joey fell on top of her. “Better than dying” she said as she rubbed her head and came back with red fingers. Joey reached up and closed the turret down and then tended to her wounds. Kara turned around to check on them but realized Joey had things well under control. She nudged Mark a bit and made kissy faces at him then laughed. Mark shook his head and smiled, only Kara could make relationship jokes moments after a battle.
    Once on the other side of Richmond it was smooth sailing. The mafia figured if you were leaving you were probably already robbed clean or had successfully done business so they didn’t need to bother you anymore. They even had a sign asking visitors to come back like it was a tourist destination in the America of old.
    Kara set back into trying to open the case as soon as they were clear of trouble. Joey kept rambling about how awesome the grenade launcher was after he had taken care of Cindy. Mark had to agree, the thing had taken out two trucks in a matter of seconds, something the SAW would not have been capable of with the armor plating they had put on the trucks.
    The family switched to I-85 at Petersburg and the sun was rapidly dropping out of the sky. Mark announced that he planned on stopping for the night soon and asked if everyone could please not be abducted this time. Even Cindy laughed at the joke and suggested they sleep in the Armadillo to prevent the possibility even more. Mark pointed out that it wasn’t sleep that got her abducted it was somebody playing hero. Joey didn’t like that comment but he knew it was true. It was agreed that the watch would wake everyone if even a stray sound got them concerned. Better to have a false alarm than no alarm at all.
    Kara worked on the briefcase the whole trip and had not made any progress but stayed determined. The family was around 400 miles from Atlanta which in their environment was a 2 to 3 day journey. She was no longer cocky about opening the package but was possessed with the need to do so. She worked throughout her guard shift and dreamed about combination locks when she finally got to sleep that night.
    The sun rose while Cindy was on watch, she was finally trusted enough to stand guard by herself and she was proud that the family allowed her. When the haze of darkness started to burn off she swore she saw movement from a bush on the other side of the dusty dirt road they stopped on. She stood up to challenge the thing in the bushes and pumped a round into her shotgun hoping to intimidate them if it was a

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