The Last Gallon

The Last Gallon by William Belanger Page B

Book: The Last Gallon by William Belanger Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Belanger
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense
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woman with a very worried expression on her face.
    Mark, Joey, and Cindy stepped out of the car as the two approached. Joey was carrying Eve who had taken quite a liking to him. She had her thumb in her mouth and looked quite content for someone who had been on the edge of death only an hour ago. The woman reached out to Eve and said “Oh my child, come here.” Eve resisted at first but Joey told her it would be ok and that she would be her new mama. “Mama!?” the girl asked excitedly. She then practically jumped into the Mormon woman’s arms.
    “Oh child you need a bath” she exclaimed as soon as she smelled little Eve. The woman turned to Mark and held out her hand while saying “Thank you so much for taking care of this girl. There are so many animals and perverts out there. I know what you are and know you didn’t have to do this.” Mark shook her hand and corrected her “You don’t know what I am, but nonetheless I could not leave this girl on the side of the road to die.” She nodded and contemplated his answer; maybe she did judge him too soon. “Would you come inside for breakfast?” she asked. They all agreed that would be fine as avoiding an MRE was always a welcome treat.
    The family sat down with about twenty others from the church and an enormous plate of pancakes was passed around. On the other side of the table another plate full of sausage was making the rounds. Before it got to Kara Mark stood up and intercepted it. Something had turned her away from sausage and he didn’t want any issues with her seeing it. Kara noticed what Mark did and when he sat down after passing the plate past him she took his hand, squeezed it and whispered “thank you.” When she noticed he skipped as well she kissed his cheek and thanked him again. It was little things like that which made him so special.
    With full bellies the family got on the road, it was getting late in the morning and Mark wanted to get to Greensboro and through it before lunch. It was considered a pretty safe city compared to others but the sooner any major population area was cleared the better, they were all trouble just some worse than others.
    The church and Eve stood outside and waved goodbye to the family and they all waved back. They were all feeling pretty fulfilled for completing this little side mission successfully. It was a great and positive way to start the day and in this bleak world that kind of thing was rare and appreciated.
    An hour and some change later the family was right outside of Greensboro when Mark heard the briefcase click. He turned to Kara and her wide eyes confirmed his suspicion, she had broken the code! Mark pulled over so he wouldn’t be distracted when she opened the case. After he was on the shoulder of the road he turned to her and said “Well?”
    Kara slowly opened the case to reveal the contents. It was a sheet of paper and a folded up map. Kara read the paper to the entire car. “36.737355, -91.864991 Pre-war Government cache.”
    Mark clapped his hands together in excitement and laughed. They all looked at him wondering what he was so excited about. Mark explained “It was rumored, usually through conspiracy theory nuts, that the government had built caches so they could send their people underground during a nuclear war and rebuild society. These bunkers contained food, water, supplies, hell, anything you need to re-create the world after the shit hit the fan.” Joey’s eyes got wide along with everyone else in the car. “If this thing is one of the bigger ones an entire city’s worth of people could eat for years” Mark said, “Even the smaller ones are good for months.”
    “What do you think this one is?” Kara asked. Cindy had an idea “Based on those diamonds, I would bet it is a big one, a huge one.” Mark nodded in agreement, a payment like that made the mysteriously shrouded guy in DC likely the head of that city, if not the whole of Mechacorp in one fell swoop. This cache, in

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