The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV
not to look at those evil
red eyes. “Is it because of that beautiful blue-eyed creature
upstairs?” He looked over at me as my head snapped up to look at
him. “Ah, it must be to get such a reaction from all three of
    “Stay away from her!” Quinn told him. Creolas
smirked at him then folded his hands in front of him.
    “You can't protect her all the time.” He
answered. “Can you?”
    “What do you want with her?” Nick questioned
which made Creolas look at him.
    “The same thing you seem to want,” he stepped
closer, and looked at me, “and the same thing you want,” then, his
attention turned to Quinn, “and, you.” He pointed his fingers out,
towards the three of us and laughed. “You all want one thing, her,
so why not share in the fun? I heard orgies came be great fun.”
    “You son of a bitch!” I yelled and moved at
him, but, as I stepped closer to him, teeth bared and eyes glowing,
an arm came up to black my way. I looked over at Nick, who held my
gaze with a stern look, and snarled. “Get out of my way!”
    “Go upstairs.” Nick whispered. I glared into
his eyes.
    “Stop trying to order me around!” I screamed
at him through clenched teeth.
    “Can't you hear her?” He whispered. I could
see the red blood haze around my eyes start to fade as I opened my
mind and listened to her. She was talking to me, but I'm not sure
if it was a conscious chat or not, but all that she was saying made
sense, and I felt drawn to her. “She's calling you. Go to her.
Quinn and I will handle this problem.”
    * * * * *
    “I'm not sure what happened after I left, but
you could feel the surge of emotions for several minutes before it
vanished.” Julian looked over at me as I concentrated on him and he
shrugged. “You were asleep when I came up and Michael had said
nothing about you leaving the room, or not.”
    “So, now you've heard it.” I said, looking
towards Ashley. “Is there anything else you'd like to hear?”
    “Yes, as a matter of fact, there is.” She
said, in a soft spoke voice. I crossed my arms as I watched her.
She blinked, glanced down at her fingers, and back up at me.
    “And, what's that?” I whispered.
    “The rest of the story.” She replied. This
took me back a bit, and I had to study her awhile before I nodded
and decided to go on. Julian moved to a chair close to hers and
watched me as I got comfortable in my own chair. I looked up at the
two of them, and then glanced at Julian, who smiled, adoringly, my
    Where do I begin again and how much should I
let out? What were the consequences of letting Ashley know my story
and my connection with Julian? These were things that I wished I
knew the answers to ahead of time, but, I didn't and that left me
with only one choice, to tell her the rest of what happened.

    “Julian?” I whispered as I sat up in bed and
looked over at the man silhouetted in the window. He turned his
head and looked at me, with a handsome smile. There was a cold
draft in the room that the blazing fire in the hearth didn't seem
to get rid of and I pulled the covers closer to me.
    “It's all right, Cait.” He whispered, sitting
beside me on the bed. I could feel his hand on my arm as he rested
it there above the blankets. “Are you cold?”
    “No, but there is a draft.” I smiled and
looked at the empty spot beside me on the bed. “Would you like to
help me warm it up?”
    “Wouldn't you rather be up and about, it's
only a little late in the afternoon?” He smiled as I shook my head.
“Have you gotten lazy since we last met, wanting to stay in bed all
    “On the contrary, I'm a very busy lady and
this happens to be the perfect time to relax, now are you coming or
not?” I laughed at him and pulled the covers down. Julian slowly
climbed over me and came to rest on the empty side of the bed. He
lay down on his side and stroked my hair with his fingers. “So,
your big discussion, what was it about?”
    “Can't you guess?” He

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