The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV
whispered, smiling.
“There always seems to be a big commotion when you come to
    “Funny, I don't remember a big scene between
the four of you last time I was here.” I replied and laughed as I
moved closer to him. I reached out with my fingers and touched his
lips. I looked deep into his eyes and smiled as he moved to tower
over me. “The ocean never looked so beautiful.”
    “I'm not sure I understand.” He replied,
softly, as he leaned closer to me and kissed me, quickly.
    “You're eyes are like some vast ocean, filled
with different shades of green.” I laughed and shook my head as his
smile faded and he backed away, slowly, with a stunned look on his
face. “What is it, Julian?”
    “What color would you describe your eyes?” He
asked. I shook my head as I looked at him as if he had flipped.
“It's important, Cait.”
    “Blue, I guess.” I replied and shrugged. “My
mother used to say they were a sky blue, like what it looks like
close to dusk.” I took his hand as he moved further away. “Julian,
why are you so far away? What's going on?”
    “It's nothing.” He said, softly, and came
back to me. His arms wrapped snugly around me and he held me
against the coolness of his body, but despite the lack of warmth
from his skin, his touch provided the heat, and his kisses ignited
a fire that seemed to spread quickly
    It was close to dinnertime when Julian made
his way across the hall to the adjacent bathroom to take a shower.
It was then that I decided to call Connie and check on my son.
    “Hello?” The voice answered after four rings.
I smiled at Connie's excited voice.
    “Hi, it's me.” I replied.
    “Caitlyn, hi, I wasn't sure if I was going to
ever hear from you again.” She answered.
    “It's only been twenty-four hours. How's
Damien?” I asked.
    “He's good; right now Paul has him outside.
So, how goes things?”
    “Strange.” I replied, touching the side of
the bed that Julian had been on. “Things have been coming back
faster since I've been back here, and people I suddenly remember
are appearing.”
    “Like who?” She asked, and I listened to her
bang pans around for a bit before I replied.
    “Nick is here.”
    “He is?” She asked, with a shocked voice.
“Last time I saw him he told me he would “never set foot in this
house again, unless it was a life or death situation”.”
    “That's good to know.” I looked up at the
window, and watched as the sun began to sink in the sky. “Because,
he seems to have brought his brother back with him and the vibes I
get of Creolas made me feel quite threatened. Other things, though,
haven't quite added up.”
    “You know, Caitlyn, if you're not so sure of
things, maybe you should come home.” Connie suggested. I sighed,
climbed off the bed and looked out the open door to my room.
    “I will, soon, but there are other things
that I have to remember, things that are important.”
    “To whom, you or Julian?” She questioned.
This made me stop and think, but then I shrugged it off when I
spotted Nick coming up the staircase.
    “Connie, I'm going to call you back tomorrow,
there's something I have to do.” I smiled and said good-bye to her
only seconds before Nick reached the top of the stairs. I stepped
out of the room and stopped him as his feet touched the floor. “We
have to talk.”
    “Are you sure that's a good idea, considering
who you’re sleeping with?” He asked, sarcastically. I crossed my
arms and looked at him sternly.
    “Whether or not I am involved with Julian,
and who I'm sleeping with, shouldn't matter right at this moment,
Nick, because what we need to discuss doesn't concern him.” I told
him, stepping closer. He looked passed me at the bathroom door,
which was still closed, and then he looked down at me and
    “Fine.” He answered, a bit uncaringly. “Where
would you like to go to “discuss”?”
    “There's a room at the end of the hall that
we can go to.” I gestured down the hallway

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