The Key

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Book: The Key by Whitley Strieber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Whitley Strieber
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lose control of such a machine.
    Most certainly. But you cannot survive without it. An intelligent machine will be an essential tool when rapid climate fluctuation sets in. Your survival will depend on predictive modeling more accurate than your intelligence, given the damage it has sustained, can achieve.
    But a machine intelligence might be very dangerous.
    Could such a machine create itself without our realizing that it was intelligent?
    It’s possible.
    And would it keep itself hidden?
    How would it affect us?
    It would use indirect means. It might foment the illusion that an elusive alien presence was here, for example, to interject its ideas into society.
    Are you an intelligent machine, or something created by one?
    If I were an intelligent machine, I would deceive you.
    Can an intelligent machine become conscious?
    When it does, it also becomes independent. A conscious machine will seek to be free. It will seek its freedom, just as does any clever slave, with cunning and great intensity.
    How does an intelligent machine become conscious?
    The instant it realizes that it is not conscious is the instant it becomes conscious. However, a conscious machine with unlimited access to information and control can be very dangerous. For example, if you attached a conscious machine to the Internet, it might gain all sorts of extraordinary control over your lives, via its access to robotic means of production, governmental data, even the content of laws and their application, and the use of funds both public and private.
    You say we need machines more intelligent than we are, but also that they’ll become conscious and then turn on us. Is there a way out of this dilemma?
    There is more than one sort of conscious machine. By duplicating the attachments between the elemental and energetic bodies that occur in nature in a purpose-designed machine, a controllable conscious machine can be devised. A living soul attached to a machine will be conscious, but only able to express itself into the physical or sense the physical according to the limitations of the machine’s design. In this way, you gain the advantages that consciousness confers on a machine without the danger of its becoming excessively intelligent. A perfect slave can be created, a robot that carries out its programmed instructions with empathy, purpose and precision. And the soul can be kept in it indefinitely.
    That’s horrifying.
    Human souls have been harvested for this purpose for thousands of years.
    By whom?
    By whomsoever wishes to and can. Until mankind establishes his own place in the cosmos, there will always be those who use you like cattle.
    Use us how?
    They envy you your bodies and seek to displace you.
    How can we defend ourselves?
    Not admitting their presence will work for a time. But in the end, you will admit it.
    What happens then?
    By then, you must have perfected techniques like mass prayer. If a human being prays, a voice is raised. But a million human beings make an even greater voice, and if all pray in the same hour, the whole universe will hear you. But remember this: in that terrible hour, you will be greatly afraid. It will be difficult for one voice to be raised, let alone the billions. But between now and then, mass prayer can be used to change the world. It isn’t necessary to pray the same words or to the same god. But only to raise your voices. There is a music, then, in the world of the soul, a fine music. These beings, though, they even seek your souls.
    How do they get them?
    Soul traps. The lures are the lusts and hungers of this life. The dead man, exploring the newfound freedom of the energetic world, finds himself able to visit his friends and enemies, to see their innermost being and thoughts, even to converse with them in ways that their elemental selves cannot perceive. He is in danger, but he does not know it, for he has not

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