The Italian Girl
Easter – hold a candlelight recital and ask a couple of members of the opera company to perform alongside chosen pupils from the school,’ continued Sonia. ‘I’ve popped in to see the church and it really would make a lovely venue. We ladies could arrange an impressive guest list and the price of the ticket could cover light refreshments.’
    ‘How many people will the church hold?’ enquired Paolo.
    ‘Signor Menici says around two hundred. So, how do the rest of you ladies feel about this idea?’
    There was a general nodding of perfectly coiffured heads.
    Donatella Bianchi leant forward suddenly. ‘I was thinking that Anna Dupré and Roberto Rossini might be suitable as the representatives from the company. I know Signor Rossini has a very strong faith and I’m sure he would be happy to help.’
    Paolo raised a surprised eyebrow at Donatella’s supposition. ‘Right. Then I will think of a suitable programme and then decide who we ask to perform it. I agree it’s always beneficial to give the students an opportunity to perform and to learn from their professional counterparts.’
    ‘Now that’s settled, we must order lunch. I have an engagement at three and so should leave by half past two.’ Donatella raised an arm and a waiter appeared immediately at her side. ‘I’ll have the carpaccio di tonno , thank you.’
    ‘So, you will sing at our little recital?’ Donatella’s fingers trailed down the small of Roberto’s naked back. He’d arrived home from Paris two days before and they’d spent successive afternoons in bed at his apartment.
    ‘A recital at a crumbling church? I hardly think that will boost my career.’ Roberto turned his head to look at Donatella.
    ‘Maybe you would do it for me?’ Her hand slid under the sheets and caressed the inside of his thigh.
    ‘I . . .’
    ‘Please,’ she begged, as her hand travelled upwards.
    ‘I surrender.’ Roberto groaned and turned over, covering her mouth in kisses.
    Afterwards, as she left the bed to take a shower, he lay sated, eyes closed, thinking he’d never known a woman like her.
    Their relationship was based purely on sex and it was the best Roberto had ever known. Donatella asked no more of him than his body. She didn’t whisper words of love in his ear, or call him at two in the morning. She didn’t explode into a tantrum if he didn’t say what she wanted to hear. Roberto had recently begun to wonder if he’d finally found the perfect relationship.
    Donatella emerged from the shower, wrapped in a towel. Her dark hair was clipped to the top of her head. From a distance she could be in her early thirties, although Roberto knew she was forty-five.
    ‘So, you will sing for us at the church? I know Paolo will appreciate it.’
    Roberto sighed. ‘Yes! I have said I’ll do it.’
    Donatella removed her towel and began to dress. ‘What are you singing this coming season?’
    Roberto’s features tightened. ‘I don’t wish to discuss it. As usual, Paolo promised me more than he’s given me, so this will be my last season at La Scala. I won’t be renewing my contract when it ends next autumn. So, I’ve decided I’ll take one of the many foreign offers I’ve had.’ He sighed heavily. ‘Paolo dislikes me. That’s all there is to it. I shall never achieve glory at La Scala while he’s in charge.’
    ‘ Caro ,’ Donatella soothed him. ‘I understand what you’re saying, but who knows? You have such talent. I’m sure Paolo is only making sure you’re ready before he gives you the roles you deserve.’ Donatella tidied her hair in a mirror. ‘You’ll come to me at the palazzo on Thursday, yes? Giovanni is away again in London.’
    ‘Yes,’ Roberto acquiesced.
    A few minutes later, Donatella opened the front door of Roberto’s apartment block and peered out, checking the darkening street. Then she hurried along the pavement towards her Mercedes, unlocked the door and slid into the plush leather seat.
    She closed her eyes and

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