The Intern: Vol. 3

The Intern: Vol. 3 by Brooke Cumberland

Book: The Intern: Vol. 3 by Brooke Cumberland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke Cumberland
me at all? From the way that her body reacted to me—the same way it did two years ago—I refuse to think she can easily ignore that. There’s no way she can deny it.
    I ’ve been battling my feelings for two years. It’s exhausting, and no matter how much I tell myself to move on— to forget her —I can’t. I never will.
    Watching her in class for the past month has been pure torture. Not talking to her and barely making eye contact with her has been worse than trying to forget her. At least then, I didn’t have to look at her and watch her perfect little body moving and bouncing around during class. I could at least pretend my feelings were non-existent and that I was just a pussy for not being able to get over her.
    But I’m tired of being that person. I’m going to make her see that giving in is much easier than fighting the inevitable. Giving in is what we both want.
    My mind is made up, and I’m not going to take no for an answer. Unless she’s sporting a diamond ring, nothing’s going to stop me from making sure she knows exactly what I want and how I feel.
    *   *   *
    I watch her walk in Monday evening with Cora. She keeps her eyes down as she makes her way to the back of the room. I grin selfishly as I walk toward her.
    “ Where is everyone?” Cora asks, looking up at me as I step in front of Ceci. They’re sitting on the floor, changing their shoes out and realizing the room is completely empty except for the three of us.
    “ Class got pushed back to six-thirty,” I state. Ceci finally jerks her head up, staring at me suspiciously. “I sent an email out.”
    Cora looks at her phone, checking her email for the message she won ’t find. “I didn’t get one.” She narrows her eyebrows before looking back up at me. She smirks, obviously understanding the silent plea I’m sending her.
    I never sent her an email.
    “ Well, since we have a half hour, I’m going to go grab a protein smoothie.” She uncrosses her legs and stands up to walk out.
    Ceci goes to stand up and blurts out, “I’ll come with you.”
    “ No, stay and watch our stuff,” she blurts, rushing away before Ceci can protest.
    She stands up and faces me chest-to-chest. She crosses her arms, scowling up at me. “What are you doing?”
    I flash a confused expression. “As in general?” I raise brow, making her steam even more.
    “ As in this .“ She waves her hands in between us.
    “ I just wanted a few minutes alone to talk to you,” I admit. “I want to apologize,” I clarify. “I’m sorry for how I acted last weekend. It was inappropriate.” She continues staring at me, not saying a word. Her expression reads that she doesn’t believe me. She shouldn’t …but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to convince her of it. “We can be friends, right? I mean, I’m going to be your instructor for another two months.”
    “ Friends?” She narrows her brows, still scowling at me.
    “ Yeah, it’s when two people talk casually. Maybe hang out. Strictly platonic.”
    “ I know what being friends is, asshole. But I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    I slap a hand to my chest as if I ’m offended by her dismissal. “All right. Have it your way.” I smirk. “You always did prefer the subordinate role.”
    “ Excuse me? What did you just say to me, Bentley?”
    “ It’s actually, Mr. Leighton,” I taunt. I wink at her, causing her anger to fuel even more.
    Oh , yes, this will be fun. If she doesn’t want to admit that she wants to be more than friends, I’ll just have to make her realize it on her own.
    I purposely avoid eye contact with her as I go over more lessons. I walk around the classroom like normal, but don’t step in to help her. Instead, I yell at her for slacking and tell her to try again.
    She glares at me, dropping her arms to her sides. “If you need extra help, Miss West, you’re welcome to come to the front of the room. It’s a much better view.” I smirk at

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