A Woman's Nails

A Woman's Nails by Aonghas Crowe

Book: A Woman's Nails by Aonghas Crowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aonghas Crowe
Tags: cookie429, Extratorrents, Kat
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buttock, her narrow waist and back, the light brown curls that fall on her square shoulder. She suddenly turns around, sending me scrambling clumsily out of the utility room and knocking the curtain down.
    I try to answer, but lust has made my mouth go dry.
    The water is turned off, the shower door opens abruptly, and Reina pokes her head out of the utility room.
    “Peador, there's no hot water.”
    She emerges from the utility room wrapped in a towel, and after hanging the curtain back up, walks into the kitchen, where a moment later exclaims, “ Atta, atta ! Here it is.”
    I'm moved by curiosity to follow her wet footprints into the kitchen where I find her crouched down and turning a valve under the sink. Her pale bottom peeks out from beneath the towel. Turning her head, she notices me gawking down at her, and says, “What you looking at?”
    She closes the cabinet door, then stands and presses a button on the wall making a small green light come on. A second red light turns on when she lets water in the kitchen sink run.
    “Yosh,” she says, turning around. “You've got hot water now.”
    “ So that's how you turn me . . . er, it on.”
    Reina’s maddeningly gorgeous, and I can barely keep myself from ripping the thin terrycloth towel off, and burying my face in her crotch.
    The only thing stopping me, however, is tomorrow night's date with Mie.
    Nevertheless, I’m like a volatile gas. All that is needed is one tiny spark—an inviting touch, or a half step that would bring our bodies closer—then , I wouldn't have an excuse to keep from pulling her into my arms. I wouldn't have to hold back the kisses. All it would take is one small caress to ignite me. One kiss, and I'd burn this ap artment building to the ground.
    Reina takes that precious half step forward, her body just brushes mine and my erection is peering out of the front left pocket of my Levis like a periscope. But nothing happens. I'm frozen, unable to move. Paralyzed with indecision, all I manage to do is let a pathetic little gasp of air out as she passes.
    I'm a buffoon, an impotent buffoon !
    I should grab Reina’s arm, tug at the towel so it falls to the floor, and do exactly what I've had a mind to do all day. My hand rises. It's an involuntary reaction; my instincts, God love 'em, are finally kicking in! But just as my finger grazes her arm, I catch a glimpse of Mie's pajamas in the clear plastic container.
    Reina pauses before the curtain . “Yes?” she asks.
    “ I, I'm just going to get some beer at the 7-11. You want anything?”
    She says she doesn't need anything, and ducks under the curtain.
    Go after her! Follow her, you feckin’ idiot. Now or never!
    I see the towel drop to the floor, hear the shower door close and the water start to run. I can't stand it anymore. I back step it quickly into the kitchen, unbutton my jeans and start to pajero over the sink.
    What little remained of my dignity has been completely forfeited.
    8:30pm. I’m waiting in front of the Oyafukô Dôri Mister Donut , bathed in garish neon light and serenaded by Nat King Cole: “ Roll . . . out . . . those . . . lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer! Those days of soda . . . and pretzels . . . and beer . . . ”
    For a Monday night, there's a fair amount of pedestrian traf fic moving up and down Oyafukô.
    Anticipation of the long-awaited reunion with Mie had me as restless as a child on Christmas Eve. Waking before dawn, I laid on my futon , staring sleeplessly at the ceiling for an hour and a half before giving up on sl eep and getting ready for work.
    I left my apartment early enough to catch the members of the local fire station lackadaisically performing their morning radio calisthenics and got to the office where the cleaning lady was sloshing a mop around.
    The morning lesson was interminable. The students' uncharacteristic reticence didn't help. On the clock above the dusty

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