The Hundred Year Wait
Myron. So far he'd been very
tolerant of her curiosity and interference but she knew his
patience would have worn out had she not been the one to free them
while on the boat.
    When he'd thought
they'd missed something he'd assumed the information she'd provided
had been wrong above everything else and she'd noticed his anger
about having her with him that morning, so she knew he didn't trust
her abilities yet. It helped that she'd studied his brother for
almost a year but he hadn't really shown her any compassion until
she was in the water and struggling to do as he asked. She could
only put it down to her self-control and the help she'd rendered
several minutes before.
    Amelia had
expected the bond to be set right back at the beginning when he'd
seen the few tears she'd not contained but he'd ignored them and
acted like he hadn't noticed. Her only fear now was that he would
consider his life and work too dangerous for her. Sebastian had
given her those sorts of excuses once, but she'd been persistent
enough with him he'd eventually understood she would rather lead a
more exciting life.
    It was about time
she led a life as interesting as the ones she wrote about in her
books, even if it meant she had to occasionally swim in the cold
sea and walk what felt like miles with bare feet and little on.
With any luck the events would help a relationship grow between her
and Myron. She couldn't think of much in her conduct in the last
twelve hours that could disappoint him.
    In the last few
days she'd also decided it was time she moved on from her late
husband. As much as she'd been devoted to him at the time she
didn't want to be alone, and finally felt like she could stride out
and face the world again. With this thought, her eyes were drawn to
the wedding ring on her finger. If she'd had a pocket to put it in
she'd have removed it right then, but she didn't want to lose it.
Good memories were attached to it if nothing else.
    A knock on the
farmhouse door startled her from her thoughts and instantly Myron
stood up. Feeling a little like a spare cog she didn't move, but
waited for one of the two men to find out who was there.
    Relief flooded
through her when Daniels came into the kitchen and she could tell
the feeling was echoed in the chauffeur. He evidently had a
fondness for his employer. A fondness she knew she already shared.
In his hands was a small case. Myron took it and disappeared into
the downstairs toilet room. While they waited for him to come back
the farmer offered Daniels a drink but the chauffeur declined.
Amelia suspected he might have wanted to say yes but she knew
Myron. He wouldn't appreciate being held up at all once he
    Daniels came and
checked on her instead, asking her a few simple questions. She gave
him answers using as few words as she could and felt grateful when
he took the hint and stopped asking her.
    “Right, time we
went. Thank you for the hospitality and you have my apologies for
being kept from your bed. We'll leave you now, and as I said
earlier, you will be reimbursed,” Myron said as soon as he was back
in the kitchen. Already he looked back to his normal self, dressed
in a smart suit, with his polished shoes and perfectly knotted
    After handing the
case back to his driver he came towards her and lifted her bundled
up body into his arms in such a way that she couldn't even remove
her arms to hold onto him. In this state he bore her outside and to
his car with Daniels hurrying to beat him to the door.
    As soon as she was
shut up inside with him she felt the comfort of the familiar wash
over her and knew she could allow her body the sleep it craved.
While Myron used the extra phone his chauffeur had also thought to
bring, Amelia closed her eyes. For a few seconds the gentle drone
of his deep voice lingered in her mind but even that couldn't stop
her from drifting asleep.
    As Mycroft
finished speaking to the police commissioner he glanced over at
Amelia. Still wrapped in the

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