The Hostage Bride

The Hostage Bride by Kate Walker

Book: The Hostage Bride by Kate Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Walker
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developed adult or some hormone-driven adolescent whose every motivation originated below his waist?
    Making every effort to avoid any further physical contact with the woman sleeping beside him in the bed, he turned until he was lying on his back. Pushing both hands roughly through the sleek blackness of his hair he stared up at the ceiling, his breath leaving him in a sigh of disbelief at his own foolishness.
    He hadn’t wanted any part of this at the beginning. Maria had made her own bed; she would have to lie in it. It was time that she learned that everyone made mistakes. And mistakes had consequences.
    Everyone made mistakes!
    The thought was like a dash of cold water in his face, driving away the last remaining shadows of sleep and bringing his mind fully wide awake. Uncomfortably so. Suddenly too restless to lie still any more, he flung back the quilt and got out of bed. Snatching up his jeans and underwear from where they lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, he pulled them on swiftly, still yanking up the zip as he moved to stare out of the window at the far side of the room.
    Wasn’t what he had just done every bit as much of a mistake as Maria’s unthinking behaviour had been? And what in the name of heaven was he going to do if his mistake resulted in the same sort of consequences as his half-sister’s had?
    â€˜You fool!’ he berated himself out loud, slamming one hand hard against the wall in a gesture of impotent fury. ‘You damn, stupid fool!’
    Some unexpected sound penetrated the deep, drugging sleep into which sheer exhaustion had finally driven Felicity, making her stir slightly in the bed, frowning faintly in confusion.
    Even before her eyes opened she became aware of the space beside her, the cooling sheets where the last time she had been capable of any sort of conscious thought there had been the hard, warm strength of a very male body.
    Rico’s body.
    Reality flooded back with a shock that jerked her upright, blonde hair wildly tousled, grey eyes clouded with shocked despair at the situation in which she found herself.
    Oh, what had she done! How could she possibly have let this happen? How could the situation have got so completely out of hand? How could she…
    â€˜Good afternoon, Señorita Hamilton.’
    The quiet voice, edged with a note she couldn’t interpret, came from by the window, bringing her head round in a rush. The sun was so brilliant that she had to narrow her eyes, squinting slightly, before she could make out exactly where he was, but even then he was still just a dark silhouette etched against it.
    â€˜Is it really that late?’
    She didn’t really need to ask. The light that poured into the room, casting a shadow of Rico’s tall, lean body across the rich blue carpet was so very different from the one that had woken her earlier that day.
    â€˜Late enough,’ he returned laconically. ‘We were—occupied for quite some time.’
    The reminder stung, making hot colour suffuse her whole body at the memory of just how ‘occupied’ they had been. That first wild coming together had only satisfied them both for a short time. It hadn’t been long before the shuddering aftershocks of passion had subsided into a languid peace, a peace that had soon been broken by the slow dawning of a new phase of desire. And in the space of a couple of heartbeats the hunger had gripped them again, making them reach for each other in mutual need.
    â€˜I—fell asleep…’ she managed shakily, lifting a faintly unsteady hand to sweep back the tangle of blonde hair that had fallen forward over her eyes. She regretted the action immediately as the brush of her arm against her breast brought home to her that she was still as completely naked as the moment she had fallen asleep in Rico’s arms.
    Instinctively she clutched at the bedclothes, wanting to pull them up over her exposed body, but just at that moment

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