The Horny Night Gaunt
    The Horny Night Gaunt
    Nikita King
    Copyright 10 / 3 /2012 by Nikita King
    Cover designed by:
    Doles from
    Edited by: Samantha Perez
    Proofed by: Greta Maloney
    Warnings:  This story contains forced seduction and graphic sex.  All characters are eighteen and above.  Adult content!
    Note from Author: 
    Dear Reader,
    Thank you for purchasing my ebook.  I want to tell you up front that I am an aspiring author and a housewife with a bit of a dirty mind.  I am trying to improve my writing skills with each one of my books.  To be honest, I just want to share my stories.  I love the monster erotica genre and I just want to be a part of it.
    With that being said, you might find that the book’s tense changes on occasion.  You might find more commas than are necessary and I am sorry if this is going to ruin the book for some of you.  I am just trying to tell a story; a story that I want to share.  So please accept my apology up front and I hope that you enjoy my tale.
    Nikita King
    The Night Gaunt swoops in over the village where he comes once a week, the fifth day of the week to be precise.  The villagers leave him an offering to appease him, to keep him from destroying their village with his army of monsters.  He is the King of the Night Gaunts, the one true ruler of his people.  He mates with one of the women once a week and tonight comes to receive his offering. 
    The villagers leave the chosen women on an altar or chained up high in the cave.  He can scent them all because they are all his.  He would know their scents from a mile away; his offerings, his women, his harem.  Tonight, a girl would be in the cave.  He flies in from the side of the cave and up to the domed ceiling.  A female, one of the four is there.  She is hanging upside down waiting for him and he is ready to mate………..
    Kim woke up in what looked like an old beat up van.  Her head hurt and she felt nauseas.  Where was she?  She looked around and saw two men and one woman sitting on the floor of the van.  She, however, was tied up on the floor and was being watched.  “Where am I?” she whispered while her head pounded in pain.  “We are taking you to your new home,” a man said.  “My new home, what are you talking about?” Kim said.  “You will see,” one man answered with pity in his eyes.
    They arrived at a village.  Honestly, she had no idea where she was.  She could be anywhere.  The village didn’t look real primitive because it had a community feel toward it.  Her abductors were gentle enough to her and treated her with respect, well, as much respect you can show someone you've abducted.  They brought her to a cottage that was guarded by women, big, strong, scary women.  The men took her into the foyer of the small house.  There she was greeted by three women; they were prettier and smaller than the female guards.  One of them introduced herself.
    “Hi!” a classily dressed woman said.  “I am Pam and this is Greta and Trena.  We want to welcome you to our home and invite you to make yourself comfortable since it is now your home, too.  Greta would you be so kind and get…..I am sorry, I don’t know your name?” Pam asked.
    “My name is Kim.” 
    “Greta would you be a lamb and get Kim a cup of tea?” Pam said.
    Greta mumbled something like ‘probably needs something stronger’ but Kim wasn’t sure.  Kim didn’t know what to say, she was just confused.  Wasn’t she just kidnapped, weren’t they going to kill her or something? 
    “I don’t understand. I was taken outside of my work and kidnapped by these men,” she gestured to the two men that brought her into the house.  “Why are you all being so nice to me?” asked Kim.
    “Well, that is a bit of a long story. Would you please sit?” Pam gestured to the couch.  “Gregor, you and your men

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