The Horny Night Gaunt
can leave.  Kim will be fine,” Pam said.
    “But Ms. Pam?”  She cut the man off. 
    “Gregor, it is okay, we have our four new guards to watch the cottage and I think Kim will be fine.”
    “As you wish, Ms. Pam.” 
    Kim just sat on the couch and watched Gregor and his friend leave.  Pam sat across from her as Greta came in with two cups of tea and ironically a bottle of whiskey.  “I thought you could use this,” Greta stated.
    “What is this all about, why am I here?” Kim asked.
    “Well Kim, you were brought to our village to serve as a sacrifice,” Pam answered.
    “What, you mean you are going to kill me?”
    “No,” Greta piped in. “We are just going to chain you to an altar, to let a demon fuck you.”
    “Shut the hell up Greta, you have a big mouth!” Pam yelled.  Greta just looked at Pam with a challenge.
    “Am I lying to her?” Greta asked. 
    “No, but there are more tactful ways of bringing up such events,” Pam stated back. 
    “Tactful my ass! Honey, you want that drink now?” Greta asked.
    Kim stared at Greta and just said “Yes, I think I might need it.”
    “You bet your sweet ass you do!” Greta added as she poured Kim a shot of whiskey into her teacup.  Kim took a swallow of it, waited a minute, and repeated until the cup was empty.
    “Okay, what the hell is going on here, Pam?  Why am I here and why do I get the feeling Greta isn’t fucking with me?”
    “Well, because she isn’t,” Trena said.  “Greta, get four shot glasses from the kitchen.  I think we all could use a drink.”  As Greta brought them into the den, they all poured themselves a shot of whiskey.  Then Trena continued.
    “Okay Kim, here's the deal.  We, all four of us, have been kidnapped from the United States.  The village has a soothsayer that helps them find the ‘appropriate’ girls for the Gaunt,” Trena stated.
    “Gaunt?” Kim asked.
    “A Night Gaunt to be exact.  That is the creature you were brought here to mate with.  He is a black demon-like creature that has an understanding with the village.  He won’t terrorize the village if they give him a woman to have sex with once a week,” Pam stated.
    “To be more accurate, he has to be the only one to have ever had sexual intercourse with the woman,” Greta said.
    “You mean you three have only been with the Night Gaunt?” Kim questioned.
    “Yes,” Trena answered. “We all were brought here as virgins and we have only been with him.  He won’t,” she hesitated for a moment, “he won’t have sex with anyone that has another man’s scent on her.  Once a week, one of us three, now four, will be offered to him.  The woman at the time will be confined where he can have sex with her whether she wants it or not.”
    “How did they know I was a virgin?” Kim asked.
    “That is where the soothsayer comes in,” Pam continued. “They go into the States and scope out what they think will please him.  The soothsayer can tell if the girl is ‘pure’ and they will kidnap the girl and bring her here.  So many girls go missing in the States each year it really isn’t noticed.  Each Friday night, one of us, we each take turns, are taken to the creature as an offering.  We have to put makeup on, fix our hair, the whole works to be as pretty as we can be for the Gaunt.  The village makes sure of that.  They even give us a cocktail of opium and an aphrodisiac to make us,” she searched for a word, “responsive to him.  It calms our nerves but it still is stressful.  The villagers want to make sure that damn Gaunt is happy.  Anyhow, they lay us out for the Gaunt with restraints and he takes us. He won’t sleep with a woman who has been sullied by another.” 
    “I don’t understand.  Another man or Gaunt?” Kim asked. 
    “Neither, it doesn’t matter,” Trena answered. 
    “How do you know?” Kim asked.
    “Because Beth, the woman you are replacing, had an affair with a man in the village.  He

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