examined by Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. 3
Apart from the frailties of memory, some Holocaust survivor testimony may be suspect for additional
reasons. Because survivors are now revered as secular saints, one doesn't dare question them.
Preposterous statements pass without comment. Elie Wiesel reminisces in his acclaimed memoir that,
recently liberated from Buchenwald and only eighteen years old, "I read The Critique of Pure Reason
The Holocaust Industry: THE DOUBLE SHAKEDOWN
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— don't laugh! — in Yiddish." Leaving aside Wiesel's acknowledgment that at the time "I was wholly
ignorant of Yiddish grammar," The Critique of Pure Reason was never translated into Yiddish. Wiesel
also remembers in intricate detail a "mysterious Talmudic scholar" who "mastered Hungarian in two
weeks, just to surprise me." Wiesel tells a Jewish weekly that he "often gets hoarse or loses his voice"
as he silently reads his books to himself "aloud, inwardly." And to a New York Times reporter, he
recalls that he was once hit by a taxi in Times Square. "I flew an entire block. I was hit at 45th Street
and Broadway, and the ambulance picked me up at 44th" "The truth I present is unvarnished," "Wiesel
sighs, "I cannot do otherwise." 4
In recent years, "Holocaust survivor" has been redefined to designate not only those who endured but
also those who managed to evade the Nazis. It includes, for example, more than 100,000 Polish Jews
who found refuge in the Soviet Union after the Nazi invasion of Poland. However, "those who had
lived in Russia had not been treated differently than citizens of the country," historian Leonard
Dinnerstein observes, while "the survivors of the concentration camps looked like the living dead." 5
One contributor to a Holocaust web site maintained that, although he spent the war in Tel Aviv, he
was a Holocaust survivor because his grandmother died in Auschwitz. To judge by Israel Gutman,
Wilkomirski is a Holocaust survivor because his "pain is authentic." The Israeli Prime Minister's
office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million. The main motive
behind this inflationary revision is again not hard to find. It is difficult to press massive new claims for
reparations if only a handful of Holocaust survivors are still alive. In fact, Wilkomirski's main
accomplices were, in one way or another, tapped into the Holocaust reparations network. His
childhood friend from Auschwitz, "little Laura," collected money from a Swiss Holocaust fund
although in reality she was an American-born frequenter of satanic cults. His chief Israeli sponsors
were active in or subsidized by organizations involved in Holocaust compensation. 6
The reparations issue provides unique insight into the Holocaust industry. As we have seen, aligning
with the United States in the Cold War, Germany was quickly rehabilitated and the Nazi holocaust
forgotten. Nonetheless, in the early 1950s Germany entered into negotiations with Jewish institutions
and signed indemnification agreements. With little if any external pressure, it has paid out to date
some $60 billion.
Compare first the American record. Some 4 - 5 million men, women and children died as a result of
the US wars in Indochina. After the American withdrawal, a historian recalls, Vietnam desperately
needed aid. "In the South, 9,000 out of 15,000 hamlets, 25 million acres of farmland, 12 million acres
of forest were destroyed, and 1.5 million farm animals had been killed; there were an estimated
200,000 prostitutes, 879,000 orphans, 181,000 disabled people, and one million widows; all six of the
industrial cities in the North had been badly damaged, as were provincial and district towns, and 4,000
out of 5,800 agricultural communes." Refusing, however, to pay any reparations, President Carter
explained that "the destruction was mutual.» Declaring that
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