The Guest List
despite being the baby of the family, Heidi had always instinctively known that her elder sister had always been her parents’ favourite. Cara was the one who’d always done well in school, at sports and then eventually at university. Heidi hadn’t bothered going to uni; by then she’d long since given up trying to keep pace with Cara’s lengthy list of achievements. Her parents had done their best to make up for such obvious favouritism by showering her with affection, but there was still no denying that she would always be second to their precious Cara. And that hurt.
    But this time, Heidi had managed to do something Cara hadn’t yet managed to do: provide her parents with a Clancy grandchild.
    There was palpable excitement in the room, and Heidi couldn’t figure out why. Was it possible that some of them already knew about her news? But that was impossible – she hadn’t said a word since finding out, and Paul knew he was sworn to secrecy. Unless something had slipped out . . . She glanced at her husband, but he too was taking in the scene with a look of confusion on his face. No, he wouldn’t have slipped. Besides, he rarely spoke on the phone to her family. Unless someone called the house and he picked up, Paul’s interaction with her family was usually confined to events like this.
    She continued to take in the scene in front of her with some confusion. They all looked so cheery, jubilant almost. How could they know?
    But wait – no – there was something wrong with all of this, Heidi realised then. They hadn't yet said hello to her. None of them were even looking in her direction. They hadn't even
her presence yet. In fact she didn’t think they’d even noticed her arrival.
    ‘Ahem,’ she coughed.
    Not a single person turned in her direction.
    Still nothing.
me!’ she called out finally, at the top of her lungs. The chatter across the room subsided and, finally, some of them noticed she was there.
    ‘Heidi, hello. Sorry, I didn’t see you come in.’ Kim grinned. ‘So much going on here. How are you?’
    ‘Hi.’ Heidi coolly returned her sister-in-law’s greeting.
    ‘Hello there!’ Betty rushed forward and encircled her youngest daughter in a fond embrace that Heidi guessed was way too rough. She would need to tell them all soon. She couldn’t be jostled about like this; it wasn’t good for the baby.
    ‘Mum, don’t,’ she said, trying to back away from her mother.
    Betty frowned. ‘What’s the matter pet?
    ‘Well . . .’ Heidi paused dramatically and smiled. ‘Seeing as you’re all here, I have something to—’
    ‘Aunt Heidi, Aunt Heidi,’ her niece Olivia sang out, ‘Aunt Cara’s getting married and Mummy is going to have another baby!’ The little girl cheered as she jumped up and down.
    Heidi almost choked. Cara, married? And what was that about . . . a baby?
    ‘I’m sorry sweetie?’ she replied hoarsely, pretending she hadn’t heard.
    ‘Oh Liv, let your aunt get in the door first,’ Kim chided. ‘Sorry Heidi, no secrets with this one!’ she laughed, and Heidi glared at her sister-in-law.
    ‘It is indeed a double celebration!’ Betty exclaimed. ‘Yes, Cara and Shane are engaged.’ She beamed at Cara. ‘I know you wanted to tell everyone face to face yourself but . . . love, show Heidi your ring!’
    Cara smiled shyly and extended her left hand towards Heidi.
    Sure enough, there was a sparkling diamond ring on the third finger of her left hand. A nice ring too, she realised, breaking out in a mild sweat.
    ‘It happened the other night Heidi, and yes, Shane and I are engaged. I would have phoned but I thought it would be nicer to tell everyone together in person today.’
    ‘Isn’t it great news?’ her dad urged when Heidi remained silent. ‘And then another Clancy grandchild on the way too,’ Mick added, shaking his head. ‘I just can’t believe it.’
    Heidi was about to start crying. Her shoulders started to shake

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