The Gospel According to Luke

The Gospel According to Luke by Emily Maguire

Book: The Gospel According to Luke by Emily Maguire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Maguire
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rugby with some of the younger boys and that Leticia and a few of the girls from this morning’s group were cheering from the sidelines. Normally, he would go and join them, but today was not normal. Today he was going to kiss Agatha Grey.
    â€˜Ah, Luke?’
    He turned and smiled, even as his heart sank. ‘Belinda. Great presentation this morning. I was thinking we could do something similar for the juniors? Maybe tone down the kissing stuff a little, talk more about the importance of having a broad range of friends?’
    Belinda beamed. ‘Great idea. I’ll work on it this weekend and you can let me know what you think.’ She sat in his visitor’s chair, crossed her legs and looked him up and down. ‘You’re all spruced up. Going somewhere?’
    â€˜Yeah, I was just on my way out. Did you want something?’
    â€˜Actually, yeah . . . I, ah, I was hoping we could chat?’
    He thought of Aggie’s lips. Rosy pink with deep red corners which flashed at you when she laughed or yelled or yawned. ‘Of course,’ he said. ‘What’s on your mind?’
    â€˜Well, it’s just . . .’ Belinda’s smile slipped into a grimace. ‘It’s kind of a sensitive topic, Luke, and I’m a little nervous about bringing it up.’
    Luke resisted the impulse to roll his eyes. ‘You should know not to be nervous with me. Come on, now.’
    â€˜Right, it’s just . . . It’s about Aggie Grey.’
    â€˜Yes?’ Luke was pleased at the neutrality of his tone.
    â€˜People are wondering if . . .’ Belinda raised her eyebrows. ‘People are wondering about your relationship with Aggie. Wondering if she’s your, ah, girlfriend?’
    â€˜Who’s wondering?’
    Belinda shrugged. ‘Everyone who’s noticed how much time you spend with her.’
    â€˜Aggie is not my girlfriend.’
    â€˜Right, okay. So, ah . . .’ Belinda grimaced again.
    â€˜So, ah, what?’
    â€˜Luke, come on. A month ago you had everyone in the community writing letters and printing banners against the woman, and now you spend all of your free time hanging out with her.’
    â€˜The campaign was never against Aggie. It was against the clinic.’
    â€˜Whatever. Point is, suddenly the clinic is okay and the woman who runs it is your best friend? What gives?’
    Luke smiled and clenched his fists beneath the desktop. ‘The clinic is certainly not okay, and I’m shocked you would make such an inference. It became clear to me that we were going about things in the wrong way. Jesus taught understanding and peace, not aggression and righteousness. He was known for the company He kept. Prostitutes, thieves, people other religious leaders wouldn’t go near – Jesus drew them close. He befriended the worst sinners in the land; He ate at their tables and drank from their cups. He didn’t do that because He approved of their way of life. He did it to be the best friend a sinner ever had.’
    â€˜Surely you don’t compare yourself with Jesus? He was without human weakness; His motives were always pure. You must recall what Paul said about bad company?’
    â€˜I am familiar with Paul’s teachings, thank you,Belinda. And I am most certainly not comparing myself with Jesus; I am simply trying to live by His example. We can talk all we like about how great God is, but it is through our actions that the unsaved judge us. By acting with compassion, tolerance, love, we
them the grace of God.’
    Belinda smiled. ‘You’re right, of course. I’m sorry for doubting you. It’s just that people talk . . .’
    â€˜Wonderful. Let them spread the word. We welcome sinners. We
    â€˜Yes, wonderful!’ Belinda got up. ‘You’re very good to be so kind to unfortunates, Luke. We should all follow your

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