The Gorgeous Naked Man in my Storm Shelter (Erotic Suspense)
    Wait a minute. Don
is fucking me on behest of someone else? A shiver of doubt creeps
into my mind.
    Jean, I think I’m in love with you.
    But it was
real! He said it when I was in his arms. He said it and really
meant it.
    The doctor
begins his examination of my breasts. He palpates my right tit,
feeling for lumps. My thighs are splayed embarrassingly wide open, and Agent Sansky moves to
stand right in front of me so that she can have a good view of my
    “ We told him
to fuck you good , and we would
keep you in good health.”
remember what she had told Don
on his examination bed. If you would like to keep her that way, it would wise
for you to comply with everything we ask of you. But Don is not making love to me because of
that, surely? I remember his urgency to undress me, to kiss me and
mount me on the table that first night.
    If my doubt
was a shiver before this, it becomes a veritable wedge in my brain now.
    But he told me he
loved me.
    How much of that is
true, and how much of that is wrought out of compliance because he
was told he had to fuck me to keep me safe?
    Am I
imagining things?
    I should
believe in Don. He loves me.
Yes, keep telling myself that.
    Still, my mind
is a strobe machine of wild, telescoping thoughts. We are too early
in our relationship for me to be fully certain about
    The doctor has
f inished with my breasts. He
pulls a stool and sits in front of my open legs. He straps on a
forehead torch which is mounted on a headband. Agent Sansky moves
to his right so that she can peer in on what he’s doing.
    “ Is she ovulating, doctor?” she
    Brood mare.
Everything falls into place. I knew there was a reason behind them
putting me and Don together. It was never his reward for good
    The doctor gels up
the duckbill-shaped speculum. “Breathe in deeply, Ms.
    I take in a
deep breath, my mind churning over. Brood mare. They want Don to breed with me.
    The answer is
obvious. To create a child between two worlds in some sort of
government experiment. Project Oz Part Two.
    They are
trying to make something that is wonderful and precious between me
and Don into something clinical and experimental and unethical.
    The speculum
slides inside me.
    “You’ve had sex this
morning, Ms. Mansfield?”
    “ Yes. ”
    “ You still
have semen in your vagina. Allow me to take a sample,
    He inserts a
swab and cores out a generous spool of Don’s sperm. Then he takes
another swab from my vaginal walls and smears it onto a slide. He
gets up and goes to a microscope in another part of the
    Agent Sansky
moves in again. Grinning, she inspects my open legs. I grit my teeth and grip the sides of the
    “ I’ve been
watching you in your bedroom,” she says.
    It is as I
suspected, but my gut still
recoils in disgust.
    “Like what you see?”
I challenge.
    “ He’s a very
interesting man. A very, very
interesting man indeed. Pity he’s wasted on you.”
    “ I take it
that it wasn’t your decision to select me as his brood mare?” I say
    “ Certainly
not. I would have chosen someone far worthier, and certainly much more attractive.”
    I grimace. She’s
trying to needle me, and she’s getting exactly the reaction she
    “ Well, at
least he’s fucking me and not you,” I declare. I know it’s
childish, but I’m so steamed up that I don’t care.
    She laughs
mirthlessly. “What makes you think I want to fuck him?”
    “ Oh, I think
you do. He resembles a god and has the manners of a prince. Which
woman wouldn’t want to fuck him?”
    We face off, staring
murder into each other’s eyes.
    The doctor
looks up from the microscope. “ She’s not in her ovulation phase yet.”
Sansky says, “Well and good.
Then seeing as you’re not ready to be bred, you wouldn’t mind
taking a little time away from your lover boy, would
    My heart grows
cold. “What do you

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