The Gorgeous Naked Man in my Storm Shelter (Erotic Suspense)
mysteriously. “You’ll see.”

    It is exactly what
the bitch meant.
    Don doesn’t appear
at my doorstep that night. Or the night after.
    I spend them
fretting on the bed, the very
bed we shared, wondering where he is and what they are making him
do. Are they making him run the gauntlet, clocking him to do it
faster and faster each time? Are they taking ghastly samples from
his deep tissues to see what makes him tick – such as from his
liver, and God forbid, his heart, which beats so strong and
    Or is the
dreadful Pamela Sansky doing
something abominable to and with him?
    I can’t bear
to think of it, but like an obsession, those horrible images keep
intruding into my mind. I am bleary and sleepless. I listlessly
pick at my meals. During the
evenings, when they take me out for exercise, I shuffle my feet
upon the cemented yard.
    And then the
unthinkable happens.
    On the third night,
Agent Sansky comes to my door. She is surprisingly
    “ Come,” she
    “Where?” I’m
immediately wary.
    “There’s something I
want you to see.”
    I look around
for my usual minders in the cold grey corridor, but they are
conspicuously absent. Has she sent everyone away? Or is it merely
night and they have gone home to their families? They don’t seem
like the type of people to have families . . . but you never
    I guess there will
be no one to see me punch her in the face.
    Perhaps she
intuited what I was thinking, because she crisply says, “Hold out
your wrists.”
    She takes out a pair
of handcuffs.
c uffed and suitably chastised,
she leads me down the corridor. We encounter no one. We enter a
room with a huge glass window that looks out into another room. It
reminds me of a police interrogation room.
    Agent Sansky
turns on the lights. There’s a chair fronting the window, which I now realize is a two-way
    I’m not going
to like this, I’m certain, but I obey anyway. She cuffs my wrists
to the back of the metal chair. Then she turns off the lights and
closes the door behind her. I hear the soft hiss of a computerized
    Great. I won’t be
able to get out of here unless I have a valid fingerprint.
    The room
beyond is an examination room. They sure have plenty of those
in this place, which makes me
suspect that they dissect people on a regular basis. The table is a
metal slab, and there are monitors and medical paraphernalia
    A sudden
apprehension descends onto me.
    They are not
going to wheel in Don’s moribund and dissected body before my very
eyes, are they?
    I begin to
hyperventilate. Surely they wouldn’t hurt Don? He’s their most
precious asset from the whole goddamned Oz or whatever they want to
call it experiment. But they have taken biopsies off his flesh.
What if they needed to go deeper to study firsthand how his organs
work? What if they wanted to find out the secret of his
    Is that why he
hasn’t been to see me?
calm , I scold myself. You’re
not helping Don by panicking. I’m not sure how I can help Don in
any way, given my current state, but it certainly would not help my
case if I break down or freak out now.
    I must have
spent twenty minutes forcing myself to breathe deeply in the
d ark, so much that I see green
zigzags on my retinas. Then the other room is suddenly flooded with
bright light. The operating lamps have been turned on
    “Go in,” I hear
Pamela Sansky say.
    Don enters,
looking simultaneously puzzled
and scared. Relief washes over me in a tide. To see him alive,
intact and as gloriously handsome as before shreds away all my
fears away . . . until it hits me that I have yet to find out what
she brought him in here for.
    “ I want to see
her,” Don demands.
    My heart leaps.
    “ Maybe if
you’re on your best behavior, you’ll get to see her. Unharmed.”
Agent Sansky lets the barely veiled threat linger. “Now I want you
naked. Take off your

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