The Golden Couple (The Samantha Project Series, # 2)

The Golden Couple (The Samantha Project Series, # 2) by Stephanie Karpinske

Book: The Golden Couple (The Samantha Project Series, # 2) by Stephanie Karpinske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Karpinske
Tags: science fiction romance
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that for years.”
    That night, while the rest of us were in bed, Erik stayed up to work on the code. From my bedroom, I could see a glimmer of light from the back porch, where he was sitting.  
    “Hey, Sam. Are you up?” Brittany whispered from the cot next to me.
    “Yeah, why?”  
    “I wanted to tell you that I talked to Colin today while you were out doing your crazy magic tricks.”
    “They’re not magic tricks, Brittany. They’re genetically enhanced abilities,” I corrected.  
    “Yeah, whatever. Anyway, did you know he got a football scholarship?”
    “Yeah, he told me.”
    “You know, my old boyfriend back home got a football scholarship. I was gonna go with him when he went to college. It was gonna be my way out of that town.”
    “Your old boyfriend was a total jerk, Brittany. Why would you wanna go anywhere with that guy?”
    “Because I didn’t have any other options. And he wasn’t so bad when his friends weren’t around. He just liked showing off around people.”
    “By screaming at you? Hitting you? Humiliating you? That’s showing off?”
    “So he has a temper. Most guys do.”
    “No, not like that, Brittany. Your boyfriend’s temper was out of control. He was abusive. That wasn’t normal.”
    “Every guy I’ve ever dated acts like that, so it is normal.”
    “Then you’ve been dating the wrong guys.”  
    I flipped on my side to go to sleep, but Brittany wouldn’t let me.
    “How does someone like me get a guy like Erik or Colin?”
    I turned back to face her. “You don’t use short skirts and cleavage, Brittany. You show them that you’re more than a body. That you have a brain, and a personality, and a sense of humor. Guys like Colin and Erik are attracted to that.”
    “But I don’t have those things.”
    “Of course you do.”
    “No. My mom always said I was nothing more than a pretty face and that I had to use that to get what I needed out of life.”
    “No offense to your mom, but that wasn’t good advice. She was wrong. You’re way more than a pretty face. You just need to let people see that.”
    “By doing what?”  
    “Well, for one, by showing interest in things. Reading. Learning about stuff. What are you interested in besides clothes and celebrities?”
    “I don’t know. Travel, I guess. Learning about different countries.”
    The answer surprised me. “That’s good. So start learning about different countries. Learn a language.”
    “I tried that. I flunked Spanish. I’m not smart like you.”
    “You probably flunked Spanish because you didn’t even try. Did you sleep through the class?”
    “No. I texted Blake during that class. Sometimes naughty texts.” She giggled. “He loved those!”
    “That’s why you flunked, Brittany. You didn’t put any effort in.”
    “But guys are annoyed by smart girls.”
    “Guys like Blake are. Because when you act like you’re stupid, it makes jerks like Blake feel smart. And it makes him feel like he can control you. That’s why he treated you like he did.”
    Brittany got quiet for a moment. “Do you think I could ever get Erik to like me the way he likes you?”
    “Erik and I are just friends. I’ve told you that.”
    “But he looks at you differently than he looks at me. He treats you differently.”
    “I don’t know why you’re saying that. He treats us both the same.” It was little white lie but it seemed warranted, given Brittany’s fragile self-esteem.
    “Then how do I get him to see me as more than a friend?”
    “I don’t know. I’m the last person you should ask for dating advice. I’m just lucky I found Colin. And I already told you what to do. Stop trying so hard. Stop using your body as your only tool for attraction. And don’t pretend to be dumb. Because I know you’re not. Now can we go to sleep?”
    “I guess. But one more thing.”
    “I think Colin wants to marry you.”
    I sat up, resting back on my elbows. “What? When did he say that?”

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