An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (The Gods' Executioner Series)

An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (The Gods' Executioner Series) by A.L. Bridges

Book: An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (The Gods' Executioner Series) by A.L. Bridges Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.L. Bridges
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race up the steps.
    “We’re pulling the plug on the Australian operation , and your services…” the modulated female voice adds as I sprint down the hall.
    “Are no longer required.” Sydney finishes as I reach the room just in time to see her decapitate the vampire commander before slicing her severed head into six pieces with red twin swords that don’t appear to be made of metal.
    “ Why, hello Cole! What a totally unexpected surprise!” Sydney exclaims as the blood rains down around her; I’m pretty sure she was being sarcastic.
    “So Loki really is behind all of this.” I comment.
    “This is just the first in a series of events we have planned for you. In fact, anot her one should be starting soon. I wonder if you’ll have this wrapped up before it starts… I guess we’ll just have to see. Until next time!” Sydney replies and waves as she disappears.
    So she can port too? Who in the hell is she? Well, since she didn’t turn into smoke like Loki, I doubt she can port without being detected, which only raises more questions about how she managed to get in and out of Niflheim. And what’s this next event she referred to?
    All of these thoughts wander through my mind as I disengage my Mu-cutter and port back to Director Gracie’s office.
    “Alright, well I’m pretty sure the vampire invasion of Australia is over.” I report.
    “How can you be so sure?” the d irector asks.
    “Well, I overheard the superior of the vampire leading the Australian campaign say that they were abandoning it, just before the vampire was decapitated by her superior.” I explain as I scoop Cheza up.
    “I’m going to take Cheza home now so she can rest. Natasha, I’ll meet you in the room; Cheza and I left some things in there that I’ll need to get anyway.” I inform them before porting to the house in Bellevue .
    I set Cheza o n the bed, pull her suit off of her, tuck her in, brush a strand of hair out of her face, and give her a quick kiss. I port to the room at the AUSSIE compound and gather up the clothing that Cheza and I have left around the room. I zip my left sleeve back on and fold the clothing into neat piles while waiting for Natasha, who walks into the room five minutes later.
    “All done. Ready to go?” she asks.
    “Yeah.” I reply while gathering up the stacks of clothing.
    I grab Natasha’s hand and port us to the living room of the house.
    “Hey Natasha? Could you do me a favor and help me pull these bullets out now?” I request.
    “Of course.” Natasha replies with a slight smirk.
    I walk through the kitchen to the laundry room where I toss the bundle of clothes into the all-in-one washer dryer before adding some soap and turning the machine on. I grab a pair of pliers from our utility drawer in the kitchen and hand off the pliers to Natasha. After grabbing a metal dish for Natasha to put the bullets into, I hop up onto the dining room table and lay face down. Twenty-seven tinks of the metal dish later and I have a back free of bullets.
    “Thanks , Natasha.” I tell her.
    “ No problem. Alright, well I’m going to head back to the office.” Natasha says while yawning.
    “Are you sure? You could catch some sleep in the guest bedroom if you want.” I offer.
    “Hmm… I think I’ll take you up on that.” Natasha replies.
    I lead her upstairs to the door that is across the hall from the master bedroom and show her in.
    “Hold on, I’ll go grab some of Cheza’s pajamas.” I say.
    “That’s alright, Cole; thanks though.” Natasha replies.
    “Are you sure?” I ask.
    “Yeah.” Natasha says and an awkward silence follows.
    “Well, uh, goodnight!” I awkwardly reply.
    “Goodnight, Cole.” Natasha responds as I exit the room and close the door behind me.
    I return to the master bedroom while trying to shake my slight feeling of awkward embarrassment, quietly rinse off my suit and myself in the shower, and get ready for bed. I slide in next to Cheza and spoon her as I drift off

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