The Girl You Lost: A gripping psychological thriller

The Girl You Lost: A gripping psychological thriller by Kathryn Croft

Book: The Girl You Lost: A gripping psychological thriller by Kathryn Croft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Croft
her, but according to Grace, she left her phone at Lucas’s flat. So either Grace is lying, and is fine, or Lucas or someone else texted from her phone. But why?
    Oblivious to my thoughts, Matt continues. ‘The simple truth is, if she really is Helena she’ll come back to us, won’t she?’
    He is right.
    Unless she can’t make that decision for herself.

    ‘ I ’m sorry ,’ Abbot says as he answers the door.
    At first I’m not sure what he’s apologising for, until I notice he is wearing only his jeans. I glance at his toned chest and wonder how he maintains his physique; I have never known him to set foot in a gym, and all he eats is food that requires no effort to cook it.
    ‘Oh please, spare me!’ I say, covering my eyes with my gloved hands.
    Abbot steps aside. ‘Hey, it’s not that bad, is it? I jumped out of the shower to answer the door. Didn’t realise it was seven already. Just be grateful I bothered to throw these on.’ He tugs at his jeans. And for just a few seconds, Abbot has made me forget what’s happened in the last couple of days. Standing here, it could be just an ordinary evening after work.
    But I am soon brought back to reality when I remember why I’m here. I brush past him and head straight for his open-plan living room. The flat is small, but it’s well-maintained. Besides, Abbot spends so much time at work, he only really needs somewhere to lay his head at night.
    Sitting on his sofa, I flop back and let out a deep breath I had no idea I was holding in.
    Abbot watches from the doorway. ‘I’ll just throw on a top and then I think you’d better tell me what’s going on. Because I know there’s something, Sim.’ For as long as we’ve known each other, Abbot has called me this; he is the only person who addresses me as Sim.
    Moments later, he sits beside me on the sofa and I find myself telling him everything that’s happened since Grace approached me on Monday. I recount every detail of our meeting and the conversation we had, and for the first time I speak aloud what she told me about Lucas Hall. It feels good to share this with someone else, even though that person should be Matt. Feelings of disloyalty stir within me but I remind myself I’m doing this to protect Matt.
    It is not often Abbot is lost for words, but my story tonight renders him speechless. ‘It can’t be for real,’ he says eventually. ‘Can it?’
    ‘That’s what I need to find out,’ I say.
    He questions me further about what Ginny said and then chews his bottom lip, deep in thought. ‘I just don’t know, Sim. It sounds so dodgy. And I’m someone on the outside so it’s probably easier for me to be detached. It just seems so implausible.’
    I know he is right, but if there is even a one per cent chance that Grace is my daughter then I need to pursue this. I explain how I feel to Abbot and he assures me he understands.
    ‘So what are you going to do?’ he asks.
    ‘That’s the thing. I really need your help with something.’ I hate dragging him into this, but I’m desperate and am sure he knows I’d do the same for him.
    ‘Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good.’ He turns to me, a wide grin on his face. ‘But you know I’ll help you in any way I can. Especially if it’s technology related.’ He eyes his laptop, which is sitting on the coffee table. ‘What do you need?’
    ‘I know it’s a lot to ask, but would you come with me to this Ginny woman’s house? Tonight? She’s away until tomorrow and it’s not like we’ll be breaking in. I mean, not really.’ I reach into my pocket and pull out Grace’s key, jangling it in front of Abbot.
    He hunches his shoulders and whistles a sigh. ‘Let me guess? You took them from Grace’s room?’ He doesn’t wait for an answer. ‘But what are you hoping to achieve there? What do you think you’ll find?’
    I tell him there might be something there to prove that Grace isn’t her natural daughter. I have no idea what that might be,

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