Beneath the Dover Sky

Beneath the Dover Sky by Murray Pura

Book: Beneath the Dover Sky by Murray Pura Read Free Book Online
Authors: Murray Pura
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think your butler approves of me.”
    Catherine put her hand over her mouth as her eyes crinkled. “Skitt doesn’t approve of anyone. I’ll be down in a minute. I want to kiss Sean goodbye.”
    In just a few minutes Terrence watched Catherine float down the stairs toward him. He helped her with her coat as they discussed the atrocious storm.
    Harriet showed up with mop and bucket just as the couple headed out the door.
    “Just a bit of water like this?” she grumbled. “Skitt made it sound like I had to mop up Noah’s flood.”
    “Thank you, Harriet,” Catherine said just before Terrence closed the door.
    As they drove through the rain and the dark, Catherine rested herright hand on Fordyce’s arm. “Mum will try Skitt out till Christmas, she says. He’s mostly the groundskeeper; however, he’s done very well as a butler. It’s only my suitors he has issues with.”
    “Your suitors? You have more than one?”
    “Oh, millions, Terry!” She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “That’s all you get for now. Keep your eyes on the road.”
    “So we’ll have time together after the speech?”
    “We shall. I’ll want a hot coffee and a snack.”
    “Char is so hospitable.”
    “She is. But it will be late, they’ll have their son with them, and Edward goes on the road again tomorrow with this election flap. So you don’t need to worry about losing out on our time alone.” She leaned her head against the window. “It’s absolute madness—only three weeks for an election campaign. One week gone now, and I’m sure neither my father up in Lancashire nor Edward here in Dover have had a wink of sleep. I just hope it’s a happy ending.”
    “Me too. I’ve had my fill of Labor and the Liberals both.” Fordyce honked as he passed a car. “Listen, I know everything’s moving rather quickly between us, Cathy. But—”
    She lifted her head. “Oh no! You have that naval ‘take charge’ sound to your voice. You’re not going to ask for my hand in marriage, are you?”
    “Nothing so rash. I just want to make sure you will attend the Christmas Ball in Plymouth in December with me. I very much want to show you off.”
    “Haven’t we already established that I’ll be hanging off your arm in silks and pearls at that event?”
    “Just double-checking, love.”
    Fordyce hesitated a moment as he concentrated on driving. “It’s a dirty night, isn’t it?” He honked at a truck. “Those army lorries always take over the entire road if they can get away with it.” He glanced at her. “You look lovely, Cathy. Have I told you that tonight?”
    She narrowed her eyes and took her hand from his arm. “Come, Terry, out with it. What’s up?”
    “We’re setting off after Christmas. First to Lisbon to take part in theVasco de Gama celebration they’re having. You know, Vasco de Gama the great explorer?”
    “Yes, I know who Vasco de Gama was. Then what?”
    “The Med.”
    “The Mediterranean? But the Hood just came back from a worldwide cruise last month.”
    “I know it. But the lads want to go down to the sun belt. It’s good for morale, and the Royal Navy has exercises for us to run.”
    “I’m sure they do. Our fighting navy off to Gibraltar and Malta to save the Empire. I suppose you’ll be gone till spring.”
    “Something like that.”
    “Something like that? Oh Terry, things between us were just getting onto surer footing.” She plunged her head back against the seat and groaned. “Don’t fall for a navy man, every young woman is told. It’s something we are told never to do. Now look at the mess I’m in.”
    “It’s hardly a mess, Cathy. I care for you very much and—”
    “Of course it’s a mess! Here I’m living at Dover Sky through a rainy, dreary winter, and the one good reason to be doing it is off to work on his suntan after Christmas.”
    “So I’m supposed to be like the dutiful wife and wait by the window as I look out toward the sea,

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