The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42)

The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) by T.K. Harris Page B

Book: The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) by T.K. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.K. Harris
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growled, "That's enough , Wayne.  Tommy, sit down.  Everyone, sit." 
    Frank’s tone brooked no argument. Still, looking at Wayne’s obvious size advantage, Tommy was surprised when he reluctantly did what Frank had ordered.  Tommy followed, taking the chair opposite Wayne, and watched as both Ali’s father and Frank took the couch. 
    Frank turned to him then and said, "We've all been in here for a while, Tommy.  A few hours at least and we've already shared our story.  But until you came in, we couldn't find anything that made sense.  Please, tell us what's going on."
    As Tommy glanced around, it suddenly sank in exactly why they were all here.  Why they had all been brought in and interrogated.  The sudden guilt that followed hit him harder than any blow he had received from one of the interrogators.  He started to shake again.  Had he been standing, he would have collapsed.
    Oh, God .  This is all my fault.  They are all here because of me.  
    The thought led to another thought and then another until they were tumbling around his already over-stimulated mind, too many to focus on.    He found himself unable to respond.
    Why?  How could all this happen because of that stupid website?
    "What website?" 
    The question yanked Tommy from his paralysis.  He glanced at Wayne and then Ali's father and finally Frank, realizing he had spoken aloud.  Seeing the confusion, worry, fear and frustration in their bruised faces, he clamped down on his own fear, took a deep breath and launched into the same story he had been telling since he had been taken.
    Dr. Lyndsay’s doubts, which had been mounting as she questioned each of the detainees over the last several days, were confirmed as she listened to the group interaction.  These people were not terrorists or traitors.  And only one could be called a hacker.  But even most of Thomas Moore’s behavior could be attributed to his chosen college major.  These weren’t the people that they had hoped to catch. 
    Jane felt her stomach begin to tie in knots.  The FBI had made a mistake.  A very bad mistake. 

Chapter Sixteen
    Alex unlocked his door while trying to suppress another yawn.  Too many days, with little sleep since his nephew had disappeared.  And, after finding out yesterday that Tommy may have gotten on the wrong side of the FBI, he hadn’t slept at all. 
    As he shuffled into his apartment, Alex finally gave up the struggle to stop the inevitable.  The yawn seemed to last forever.  But despite his fatigue, his mind spun with too many questions and not enough answers.
    Dropping his mail on his kitchen counter, Alex walked to the desk in his living room, and turned on his desk lamp and laptop before sitting.  Something niggled at the back of his mind, something that seemed ‘off’, but he couldn't put a name to it.  Deciding it was just exhaustion, he logged into his secure computer - running on its own cable line like the one in his office - and began opening his usual chatrooms.
    Minutes later, an alert chimed.  He usually received several a day, even more in the last two days.  Many were just the usual reports on security holes other hackers had found, or invites to hacker raids.  Some were simple inquires.  But, too many recently, had been people telling him they had not found anything on the man he was looking for.  So while Alex wasn’t surprised at the alert, he also wasn’t hopeful.
    He was surprised, however, when he checked and saw that he had been invited to a private chat as these were not as common.  Not recognizing the chatroom invite #HGTTG or the handle sending the request, he waited.  As tired as he was, he was inclined to ignore it all together until the invite popped up again, this time with a question.
    <µβ> Missing someone?
    He stared at the question, caught between curiosity and shock.  Hesitant, he logged into the chat as

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