The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42)

The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) by T.K. Harris

Book: The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) by T.K. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.K. Harris
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idea made his stomach twist in knots.  The last thing he wanted to do was tell his backers, the Director of the FBI, and Gillespie, that they needed to start over.
    Barrett took another drink and then yawned.  The more he thought about it, the more he realized it probably could wait just a few more days.  Maybe putting the group of detainees together, as the doctor had suggested, would net them something.  He doubted it, but it was something to hold on to.
    He yawned again.  Then began to feel slightly better when he realized how large the list of offenders had gotten and was still growing.  Surely it wouldn’t be difficult to pull in some major hauls from that list.  All it would take was a little more research and maybe a slightly different approach than they’d used with this group. 
    When the third yawn caught him, Barrett decided he could start checking into this approach later in the morning.  Maybe they would even have some more people added to the list by then. 
    And the more the merrier , he thought, as he decided to head back to bed.
    Within minutes of Barrett’s head hitting the pillow, another alert was triggered from a location a thousand miles away.  Billy, a precocious thirteen year old - still running on the thrill of a hacker movie he had watched - was searching for more information about hackers and hacking.  He had been practicing, and remembered that someone had challenged him to try and hack a certain FBI website.  While Barrett had been fuming and drinking, the thirteen year old had been coding.  When the warning message finally popped up on Billy’s monitor, he let out a loud ‘whoot’ and quickly sent a Snapchat of the screen to all of his friends.  Maybe he would finally get some creds for this.  These were his thoughts as he heard his mom hollering for him to hurry up and get ready for school.
    Several hundred miles north of Billy’s home, in a small D.C. office, the agent on duty noted the alert and waited for the local ISP to send the requested information to him.  Once received, he would add it to the growing number of people they were monitoring but had not yet moved on.  There would be enough time for that after they had decided how to handle the high profile group they already had in their possession.  Once precedence had been established that would change things forever. 
    Then, the mass arrests could begin.

Chapter Fourteen
    At the doctor’s request, they put a T.V. in Tommy’s cell.  The stations were fuzzy, but there were voices now instead of quiet.  Jane – she'd asked him to call her Jane, not doctor or Doctor Lyndsay - would come to check on him and give him more medicine.  Though the medicine made him fuzzy, he was feeling much better. It helped that a few days had passed since the men who asked questions with their fists, and other methods, had stopped coming for him. 
    Tommy had come to look forward to his conversations with Jane.  Sometimes she wrote things down as she asked him about his hobbies, what he was studying in school and his family.  She explained that it was part of her job, though she wouldn't tell him what her job was or answer any of his questions as to why he was here.  But Tommy didn’t care.  She was nice.  And not bad looking for an older woman.  He thought she'd be a good match for his uncle.  She smiled when he mentioned it.
    As the talks continued, Tommy began to relax and tried to accept his captivity.  He was expecting her to come today, so, when someone else came instead, his pulse began to race. As they led him out of his cell, he wondered if it meant the interrogations would start again, and he tried to prepare himself.  Instead, he was led to another, much larger room.
    Wondering what the sudden change in routine might mean, he glanced around, noting that there were three other people in the room, sitting on a couch and two chairs, facing

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