The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1)

The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1) by Jim Greenfield Page B

Book: The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1) by Jim Greenfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim Greenfield
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kept busy. But Teresa is tall and rangy and will gain strength and possibly more height. It was two weeks into her duty as a Guard that another Guard tried to force himself on her. I assure you, sire, that kind of man is rare in the Guard and probably should have been tossed out before the incident. But as it was, Teresa killed him so fast the other Guards did not have a chance to move to aid her. After the initial shock of the man's blood spattered around the Guardroom, they saw to her slight injuries and applauded her skill. They realized she was not a liability to their unit. After that, they all watched out for her. Kind of adopted her. I don't know what they'll do when they meet her on the battlefield."
    "You were ready to run her through at the warehouse."
    "We could afford no chances. I had to move quickly as Lockwell told me, however I am not sure I could best her. Nor could many of the Guard. If they hesitate, she will kill them. She knows what is at stake."
    "John? Is that the truth, that you doubt yourself in battle?"
    Plucker exhaled and sighed. He rubbed his thumb over his ear lobe.
    "The fact is, I'm aging and slowing. Some young buck will take me someday and that time is nigh. My time on the battlefield is ending. My legs often fail me and the speed of my sword has slowed but I aim to have you on your rightful throne before I am finished."
    "Thank you, Sir John. You reassure me. I'm afraid I need more counsel than I will get during this struggle. I am not yet hard enough to be king, but I shall be, I must be. I am glad for your friendship and counsel and what little swordsmanship you have left." Hal smiled.
    Plucker pressed his lips together and looked away. The wind had freshened and brought the smell of the smoke from Cane's campfires. They were far beyond the hills in the distance but once on top they could see all the way across the plains to the eastern forests. Plucker wished he had brought more men instead of relying on secrecy and speed. It may be that they will be pressed to fight before reaching Far Greening.
    "We will make it before them," said Hal, as if reading Plucker's thoughts. "The land is flatter to the west and the horses will make better speed."
    "We will. But how close behind will they be? And how much time will we have to ready the castle?"
    Hal did not answer.
    Later, they heard the approach of horses. Their choices were flight or fight. Plucker and Hal drew their swords. Bert Kalen and Teresa stood before Elizabeth. Suddenly, the riders were in view. Russell returned with ten riders, soldiers of Far Greening and Prince James clad in chain mail wearing a silver winged helm.
    The Prince dismounted, removed his helm and rushed to his father, embracing him, and then kissed his mother. He nodded to the others. The Prince was already taller than his father and moved gracefully. His light brown hair was tied in a ponytail and he wore a yellow band around his head with a star on his brow.
    "How is the castle?"
    "We are ready for anything," said Prince James. "We have stores set aside, as much as we could gather since the news reached us of grandfather's murder."
    "Who is claimed as the murderer?"
    "You are. But the people cheered your name and set the herald back to Edward with his parchment jammed down his throat."
    "Young barbarian!"
    "Father! You think I would condone such action?"
    "James, I am tired. What else do you have to report?"
    "The scouts reported a large force heading our way. Cane's colors."
    "Yes," said Hal. "We saw them, so we kept to the trees. They are just beyond those hills. Let us get to the castle quickly. I will command the defense. I want you to take a company and leave the castle. I want you in the field when they lay siege to the castle. Howard Cane will not rest easy watching the siege when he has to watch his back, too."
    "Yes, sir." James' expression did not change. He had expected this situation. He was a warrior like his grandfather, both his grandfathers.

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