The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1)

The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1) by Jim Greenfield Page A

Book: The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1) by Jim Greenfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim Greenfield
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grasped his hand. She felt his strength and determination before he spoke.
    "Whatever food and water is stored in the castle will be all the people have. Cane will lay siege to the castle. Even with James in the field it will be hard for our people."
    "I know it will be a difficult time," said Elizabeth. "But we will do what we must."
    "Aye. That we will," agreed Hal, his voice cold.
    "Let's ride!" cried Russell Butler. "We can beat them."
    "Slow down," said Plucker. "They will have scouts out and if not enough scouts to kill us all, they will kill some of us and alert the army. We must move with caution. We do not want to reach Far Greening with Cane's soldiers snapping at our heels. If we get that far."
    Hal led the way as they rode a ways eastward before they turned to the north. They rode harder now. They put more distance between themselves and Cane's men. Plucker rode at the rear keeping watch behind them. Russell Butler rode alongside King Hal as his guard. Teresa answered Elizabeth's questions about her life and how she came to join the guard.
    "Russell taught me fighting," said Teresa. "I've been handling a sword for so long. I would not do anything after Mother died. I did no cleaning, cooking, mending -nothing. I just sat in the corner next to mother's stool and cook pot. Russell always worked with his sword and one day I stood in the yard watching him. He had an extra one and tossed it to me, then came at me with his sword. I just tried to block his sword and the piercing ring of the metal woke me up. It called to me. We worked with the swords daily. One day Russell asked me to help him guard a shipment of goods Father was sending to the coast. At first, we guarded some of Father's shipments to other towns, but when Russell joined the Kings Guard, I wanted to join too. Father would not let me until I was older and could fight like a man. He wanted me to be his little girl but when he finally figured out, I was to be a fighter he became supportive and hired guards to train me. He was very proud when I passed the tests and won my sword and shield."
    "Do you expect to have a family?" asked Elizabeth.
    "Oh sure, I'm only seventeen. I will marry some guard and raise children. But I'm in no hurry."
    "Nor should you be."
    "What's it like being a queen?" Teresa blushed, realizing she was too forward. She was only a guard. However, Elizabeth smiled.
    "Well, it's difficult to say at this point as I haven't been Queen for long, but being a princess was quite nice. At least when we had visitors I would be waited on and dressed in my best dresses. The rest of the time, I run the household and that is not too romantic. The only hard time is when your husband has to leave to fight for his king. Sometimes weeks pass by or even months without news. The time passes so slowly. It is a time of worry but you cannot show it to anyone. You must be brave for your people."
    "I see. I guess being Queen is tougher than I thought. There are more people to be brave for."
    "I think you are right."
    "Did you ever want to be a hunter or a soldier? Or did you know you would be Queen?"
    "No, I didn't expect to be Queen. I grew up with a bow and I still practice regularly. I would say there are not many men who could best me shooting at a target. I have not shot at a person. I do not know if I can."
    "Just remember your habits. That is what Russell always told me. Just concentrate on your patterns and timing. The details. Detach your emotions and let your training take over. It does work."
    "I will remember that, Teresa. Thank you."
    Hal halted them and motioned for Russell to ride ahead. Hal led them to a shadowy spot under some trees and they waited patiently for Russell to return.
    "It's unusual for a woman to be in the Guard," Hal said to Plucker. "Do you know of the girl?"
    "Yes. She serves under Dannen. He speaks highly of her. At first, her brother fought her battles for her. The Guard was not warm toward her at the beginning and Russell was

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