The First Time is the Sweetest
getting shot at!” her father exclaimed. “Those are two completely different things!”
    “I know, I know, but I’ll be okay. And frankly, I don’t think it would be a good idea to give this guy two more targets. Agent Oliver said he’s most likely coming after me because I’m under your protection. That’s how these guys think. If you come back, he’ll have more people to shoot at and the FBI will have an even harder time protecting us.”
    Gabriel nodded as she explained this, and she smiled at him gratefully.
    “Okay, Sabrina,” her dad conceded. “Just, be careful, okay? I love you very much.”
    “I will, Dad. I love you, too.”
    Jimmy flipped the phone shut, ending the call. She sighed tiredly. She knew it was only eight o’clock but it felt like midnight, and she slumped in her seat as the two men continued to talk, making plans and detailing escape routes. Sabrina leaned against Gabriel, letting the rumble of their voices soothe her. She smelled the warmth of their bodies, Jimmy a little minty from the gum he liked to chew and the cinnamon spiciness of Gabriel’s aftershave. The two scents mingled, like the most perfect dessert ever , she thought sleepily as they continued to talk. The conversation with her father after the events of the day had taken its toll on her, and she drifted off to sleep in the kitchen.

    Chapter 5
    Sabrina woke when she felt herself being lifted into someone’s arms. She heard the murmur of low male voices but couldn’t tell which of them was carrying her until the scent of cinnamon wafted past her nose. To her surprise she realized it was Gabriel. She yawned and opened her eyes. His blue eyes smiled down at her, the corners crinkled as she blinked at him. His heart beat reassuringly against her cheek.
    “Hey, sleepyhead,” he said quietly. She saw Jimmy smiling down at her from over Gabriel’s shoulder.
    “Hey.” Sabrina thought that he must be very strong in order to carry her so easily. Still, she didn’t want him to drop her so she didn’t struggle when he started up the stairs to her room.
    Jimmy followed close behind so she tucked her head back into Gabriel’s chest and closed her eyes sleepily, but the climbing motion woke her by the time he reached the top of the stairs. When they got to her room, Jimmy pushed the door open and flicked her bedside light on low. Gabriel carried her inside. When he bent over to put her on her bed, she hung onto his neck, keeping him close. He looked at her quizzically until she leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. Sabrina clung to him, enjoying his warmth. I must be more exhausted than I thought , she mused tiredly, relishing the kiss she stole as she sank into the soft comfort of her bed.
    Gabriel froze then pulled gently away. Sabrina let go of his shoulders and he straightened, sitting on the bed. She watched him touch his lips with the fingers of his free hand. What was she doing, kissing him like that? She surprised herself, but he didn’t seem to mind. On the contrary, she watched as the heat in his eyes grew.
    “Thanks for taking care of me, Gabriel,” Sabrina murmured, holding his hand while she stretched. Might as well go for it , she decided when he didn’t protest. Her skirt hiked up her thighs and from the corner of her eye, she saw Jimmy stare. She felt languorous and naughty as she watched the two men watching her. A familiar heat slid through her as she looked them over in the low light. Jimmy was aroused, not even trying to hide the bulge at his groin. Gabriel tried to be more circumspect, sitting angled away from her so she couldn’t see. He was too late. She’d already noticed how much he appreciated the view. She smiled and held her free arm out to Jimmy, thinking, Huh, this seems to be working…
    “Good night, Jimmy,” she whispered as he moved closer.
    Gabriel made to shift away, but she held onto his hand, making sure Jimmy’s arm and hip settled against Gabriel as

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