The Finding
through his
fingers. It was a comforting gesture that lulled her into a half
trance-like state.
    “I’ve put one
of your chick-flicks in for you, girly.” He commented as he worked
the remote with his other hand.
    She smiled at
the term ‘girly.’ It wrapped around her like a soft blanket and
made her feel warm and comfortable. “Good. And remember, no rude
comments allowed.” Cassie cast a fierce look of warning his way
before picking up her coffee.
    “I promise to
behave.” He followed the statement up with a Scouts’ honour sign.
Cassie narrowed her eyes, knowing full well he’d never been a
Scout—it was one of the few tidbits of information she knew
concerning his past. Kellen wasn’t one to share much about his
background and that suited her fine. She wasn’t keen on sharing her
past either. There had been some type of falling out with his
family, she knew that much and she’d told him her mother was dead
and her uncle murdered. It was enough. The past was just that, the
    For awhile they
watched the movie in companionable silence. Cassie relaxed thinking
how nice it was to spend time together again, like a real
    “Here comes the
mushy stuff.” Kellen whispered teasingly in her ear and she hit him
lightly across the stomach. He clenched his belly as if in pain and
doubled over only stopping when she rolled her eyes at him.
    “Remember, you
promised to behave.”
    He sobered and
sat back to watch again, his arms crossed casually behind his
    On the screen,
the female lead was studying her secret love interest, enumerating
all his good qualities to a friend. Cassie glanced at Kellen out of
the corner of her eye, trying to see him as the actress on the
screen might. Kellen was good looking, no doubt about that.
His brown hair was stylishly long and fell appealing over his brow.
Laughter sparkled in his blue eyes and often curved his mouth into
a mischievous grin. Good shoulders, a few muscles, trim
    Biting her lip,
she sighed and Kellen murmured softly, pulling her closer so his
chin rested on top of her head. She inhaled his familiar scent,
felt the warmth of his body creeping into hers, and waited
expectantly for some sign, some stirring of excitement within
    Of course, it
didn’t happen. Nothing ever happened. The only thing to occur was a
low rumble of discontent from the beast inside her. No. He isn’t
for us.
    Cassie curled
her fingers into fists, frustrated at the trap she found herself
in. The beast inside was anxious and needy, pushing her to find
something or someone, but it wouldn’t consider the human she was
living with. She’d learned that lesson two years ago...
    The first time
she and Kellen had been...intimate...was about a year after they
first met. In all the months they’d been together, Kellen had never
pressured her for sex. That he was interested, there was no doubt,
but he’d never pushed her.
    “You can stay
with me as long as you need to,” he’d offered generously that first
    She’d entered
his small apartment warily, not sure if he really was just a nice
guy or if he had an ulterior motive. Her uncle might have kept her
sheltered, but she’d read enough to know what could happen to young
girls who were alone on the street.
    “I won’t sleep
with you.” She made the statement boldly, throwing it out like a
gauntlet and then watching his reaction carefully.
it’s polite to wait to be asked.” He’d responded mildly and she
felt her face flush in embarrassment. Kellen has studied her for a
moment then put her out of her misery. “Listen, you’re a pretty
girl and maybe I will sleep with you one day, but not tonight, not
until you’re ready.”
    When she’d
folded her arms and given him a disbelieving look, he’d flopped
down on the sofa and laughed. “Look, you’re wise to be wary of me.
There are a lot of creeps out there, but I’m not one of them. I
know what it’s like to find yourself on

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