The Finding
He’d searched her eyes for an
explanation, but then gave in and crushed her to him.
    A cry of relief
had escaped her and then it had been all frantic hands and lips,
gasps and groans. Clothing disappeared, and somehow their positions
became reversed. She’d felt his manhood pressing hot and firm
against her thigh. At that moment, a warning had sounded in her
brain; something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t focus on the
thought. Part of her was craving his possession while another part
was protesting that he wasn’t the right one for her.
    Need had won
out and she’d spread her legs, guiding him to her aching core. He’d
paused, breathing heavily, his forehead pressed to hers.
    “Are you sure?”
She could hear the strain in his voice.
    “Yes, yes,
please!” She’d arched her hips and felt his tip press into her.
Need clawed at her, she couldn’t believe how empty she felt. Kellen
could give her relief...
    He resisted a
moment longer. “It’s your first time. It’ll hurt. I’ll try to go
    “I don’t care.
Just take me.” Grasping his buttocks she’d pulled him closer,
whimpering at the feel of her flesh parting to accommodate him, at
the slight burning sensation as her barrier stretched. She didn’t
care though. Shifting, she had dug her nails into him, her body
craving more.
    Kellen relented
then and had driven himself into her. The sudden pain had shocked
her into stillness for a moment and a voice howled within her. He isn’t the one! She’d stiffened, part of her rejecting the
act, but then he moved inside her and the need returned.
    After that it
was a blur of shifting bodies and panting breaths. Kellen whispered
nonsensically to her, but she could never recall what he said. A
soft wave of feeling swept over her, a slight tightening of her
body, though nothing spectacular like she’d heard would occur. At
least the intense craving inside her eased.
    Kellen had
continued to move within her until he found his release and then
collapsed. She’d felt him pull out, then roll to the side and wrap
his arms around her, tugging her close to his body. Numbness had
come over her then, followed by a slight sick feeling in her
stomach. What had she done?
    Tears had
welled in her eyes and she’d tried to stifle her sobs, but Kellen
must have noticed the shuddering of her body. He’d rocked her
slightly, making comforting noises.
    “Shh... I’m
sorry. Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?” The concern in his voice
made her cry all the harder and he’d cursed softly, obviously
blaming himself. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have...” He’d forced her
to look at him and had used his thumb to wipe the tears that
spilled down her cheeks.
    She’d managed
to shake her head and tried to calm her tears. “No. It’s not your
fault. It’s—” Cassie paused, and licked her lips tasting the
saltiness of her own tears. She wasn’t sure what to say, not even
knowing exactly what was wrong. Just moments before she’d wanted
this so desperately and now...
    “Oh...” Kellen
was silent for a moment then cleared his throat. “Is it one of
those female things? Because it was your first time?” He cleared
his throat awkwardly again, his face a study of male confusion.
    Cassie had
hidden her face against his chest and nodded even though she didn’t
believe it was a emotional response to losing her virginity, but
who knows? Maybe it was.
    “Want some
popcorn or chips and dip?” Kellen’s voice pierced through her
memories, returning her to the present.
    “Umm... I’m
fine; still full from dessert.” Cassie gave him a brief smile and
returned to staring at the screen as if absorbed by the movie. The
memory of that night still haunted her. How could the beast have
driven her one minute and then protest what had
happened the next? It made no sense, unless the creature had been
as surprised by those feelings as she had been. She frowned,
wishing, not for the first time, she'd been spared

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