The Finale

The Finale by Treasure Hernandez

Book: The Finale by Treasure Hernandez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Treasure Hernandez
purchasing a one-way ticket out of the city. She figured she would go down south to North Carolina, where her mother was from and where her grandmother still lived. Even though Halleigh had never met the woman, she knew her name, and was hoping they could get acquainted once she arrived. If not, then she would just have to do what she did best: survive.
    At least down there she would be out of hot water. Maybe one day I can come back for my son, she thought.
    She felt herself becoming emotional at the thought of everything she was leaving behind. She went to use the restroom. Her eyes were red and puffy. She looked a hot mess. She couldn’t wait to get out of Baltimore, so she could have peace of mind.
    As she emerged from the bathroom, she looked toward the front counter. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Rodriguez questioning one of the airline employees. Halleigh automatically knew that this was no coincidence. She was there looking for her. She knew that if Rodriguez was there, it was a good possibility that more cops were on the scene as well.
    Halleigh quickly ducked back into the restroom. Creating a commotion at the airport was the last thing she wanted to do, but she had to get out of there. She peeked out of the door, and while Rodriguez was distracted at the ticket counter, she slowly eased out, keeping her head low to remain inconspicuous. Walking as quickly as possible out of the airport, when she finally emerged outside, she ran to the first cab she saw.
    She stopped mid-step and looked up in disbelief when she heard Malek calling her name. She had one foot inside of the cab as she saw him pulling up behind her, blowing his horn urgently to get her attention. Shocked, her mouth dropped open in surprise.
    â€œGet in, Halleigh!” he shouted.
    She rushed over to his car and jumped inside. She ducked low, keeping her eyes on the side mirrors.
    Just as Malek pulled away, Halleigh saw Rodriguez emerge from the airport. “Go! Go!” she yelled.
    When she was sure they were out of any police radar, she sat up in her seat. Her son was crying from his car seat in the back, and his cries affected her, causing her tears to flow too.
    â€œYou wanna tell me what’s going on now, Halleigh?”
    â€œHow did you find me?”
    â€œI know you, Hal,” he said as he drove with one hand and touched her chin gently with the other. “You are me, ma. You ran, and I knew you wasn’t riding no bus or train. You think you’re too good for that.” He smiled mockingly.
    She shook her head and wiped her eyes. “You should have let me go, Malek,” she said softly. “You don’t know what’s going on.”
    â€œThen why don’t you tell me? I know the cops are watching me. Your letter told me that. But what is it that you are not telling me? We’re better than this, Halleigh. Your burden is supposed to be my burden.”
    â€œI’ll tell you everything. Can we just go somewhere, to a hotel room or something, so I can get my head together? Then we’ll talk, and I’ll tell you everything.”
    Malek and Halleigh checked into the Courtyard Marriot in Linthicum, and once they were safely inside with their child, it was time for her to fess up. Malek waited patiently for her to find her words.
    â€œYou can tell me, Halleigh. Whatever it is, just say it.”
    â€œI fucked up,” she began. “When we first came here, you told me over and over again to let the past go. You told me that everything and everyone in Flint were dead to us, but I didn’t listen. With you in the streets all the time, I felt like I had nobody to talk to, no friends, no real life in Baltimore. So I called Tasha.” She paused to see what Malek would say, but he remained silent. His facial expression was blank, so Halleigh couldn’t read his emotions.
    â€œKeep going,” he said.
    â€œI invited Tasha to come to Baltimore about a week

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