The Final Catch: Book 2: See Jane Hex (The Tarot Sorceress Series)

The Final Catch: Book 2: See Jane Hex (The Tarot Sorceress Series) by Rhea Rose

Book: The Final Catch: Book 2: See Jane Hex (The Tarot Sorceress Series) by Rhea Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhea Rose
him?” I wanted to know how serious she was. After the bank robbery fiasco I wasn’t ready to put myself in the line of fire again.
    “I don't want him so much as I want my money. So, I got you a job there.”
    “She's got a job,” Emi said, in my defense.
    “Yeah, I said.
    “You mean teaching?” Maisie smiled at the two of us like we were school children.
    “You'll like this better.”
    “No -- I won’t,” I said.
    “Dancing.” Then Maisie did a couple of sexy go-go dance moves!.
    At the same time Emilia and I said, “No way!”
    But Emi, the show off, started to gyrate her hips and do another type of funny little dance and sidled right up next Maisie.
    “I can't dance,” I said to the two women.
    “You can now.” Maisie insisted.
    Emilia smirked.
    Then she held up the tiny bit of outfit still dangling from the end of her sword.
    “Magic G-string?”  She announced, as if she knew all along.  And maybe she did.
    “That little bit of nuthin' is gonna make me a dancer?”
    “Well, that might be pushing it, but it will get you the job. You'll audition in that.” Maisie said as if the whole thing was settled.
    “And lose my teaching job if anyone recognizes me!”
    “No one will notice.”
    “Whitman will. He hangs at the Swan,” I informed her.
    “Whitman? Your principal? I doubt that,” Emi said sarcastically.
    “Yeah, he likes to go to the Swan for lunch these days. I think he'll notice.
    Emilia nodded hard, suddenly agreeing with me. “He'll notice,” she repeated.
    “He won't care. You know - you keep his secret - he'll keep yours. Try it on,” Maisie said.
    I hesitated, mostly because there wasn’t much of ‘it’ to try on.
    “There's a kimono on the back of the washroom door if you’re shy.” I didn’t move.  I actually did want to try the outfit on. It glittered and I imagined it would look great on my curves, but I really didn’t want to put on a show for these ladies. Emi said it had magic, but if it did there couldn’t be much; the top was really only jewel pasties joined together by a silver thread and the bottom, well, it was a fancy cat’s cradle of string. I guess they mistook my hesitation for shyness. Maisie and Emilia gave each other a questioning look then Maisie said to Emi, “Suddenly she's a prude? Emilia shrugged out a ‘go-figure,’ then went back to her sword puppetry, using the costume as her prop.  I slipped the outfit off the end of the sword and left to try it on
    In the back room I headed straight for the closet washroom and closed the door and the lock.  I didn’t want those two pulling any pranks. I heard them follow me back there.  Maisie’s high heels clipped along the floor and Emi who usually only wore her practice slippers anywhere was probably right behind.
    Then through the door Maisie started giving me orders, as if my trying on the dance costume was an acceptance of her assignment. “When you find this guy, be careful. Getting him here, to the shop, is going to take some skill.”
    “You’ve seen what I can do,” I called out to her. It won’t be a problem for me.”
    She was dead silent. Yeah, score one for Jane.
    Inside the tiny washroom it was a real struggle to remove my clothes and even when I got them off and hung them on the hook on the back of the door, they seemed to fill the room.  So I put the lid down on the toilet and stood up on it to get my costume on. It didn’t take but a few minutes to get the pasties in place and the g-string positioned.  It was impossible to see what I looked like in the mirror over the sink which meant I was actually going to have to step outside and see how this all fired up.  There was a kimono back there as Maisie promised, so I quickly slipped it on.  While I did that I yelled out to Maisie, “You gonna add this guy at the Wild Swan to the deck then, if you think he’s so difficult?”
    “Oh, definitely.”
    “If he’s not a major –“
    “Not yet, but

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