Tex's Revenge: Military Discipline, Book Two

Tex's Revenge: Military Discipline, Book Two by Loki Renard

Book: Tex's Revenge: Military Discipline, Book Two by Loki Renard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loki Renard
whilst they walked inside and were lost from view.
    There was no chance of sleep now, she was wide awake. She leaped off the bed, pulled on the nearest piece of clothing, ignoring the fact that it was a baby blue skirt with frills around the lower edge and began pacing back and forth in front of the door.
    When pacing failed to work, she tried banging on the door a bit, but nobody came for her. She banged harder on the door, then on the wall for good measure. A lucky bang with her foot put a sudden and unexpected hole in the wall. A curse rose to her lips, not because she'd broken the wall, but because she hadn't even thought to notice that her 'cell' was little more than a simple room lined with standard wooden sheet board and plaster. Having made the discovery, it didn't take more than a couple of minutes to kick and push her way through the lower part of the wall. She sustained a few scrapes and grazes in the process, but she'd have danced over broken glass to get to the man who was walking into the lion's den for her.
    She crawled out into the hallway, half expecting someone to be there, but nobody was. They were probably all too busy worrying about Savage. It would have been the perfect chance to stage an escape, but escape was the furthest thing from her mind. Having laid eyes on him, she had but one thought – to get to him.
    There were noises down the halls, men's voices, heavy scuffing boots. She moved towards them, pushing her way through swinging doors every now and then. When she caught up with the party she saw that the contingent of armed guards had been reduced to just two men following Savage and Tex down the hall. She sneaked forwards on tiptoes until she was right behind them, then, being unable to wait any longer, made a mad dash through the armed men and wrapped her arms around Savage's waist.
    Her dashing movement caused consternation amongst the guards. Both Savage and Tex whirled and she whirled too, her motion caught short by the two guards who grabbed her away from Savage and hurled her quite roughly to the floor where she was treated to the gut emptying sight of two high powered barrels pointed directly at her.
    “Stop!” Tex's voice boomed before she could get stomped on or worse.
    Laying on the floor in a tangle of blood smeared limbs wasn't exactly the reunion she'd imagined having with Savage, but she didn't care. She gazed up at him, wanting nothing more than to meet his eyes, but the man who turned his head to look at her didn't have deep dark eyes that soothed her to her core. He had glittering blue eyes and his expression was not one adoration but one of blank surprise. It wasn't Savage.
    She attempted a smile, but it came out as a sickly grin. “Oops.”
    Tex glared at one of the guards. “Get her out of here.”
    She was hauled up from the ground almost as quickly as she'd fallen. There was nothing gentle about the way the guard dragged her away. It wasn't remotely necessary, she would have quite happily scurried away herself. She was humiliated and hurt. Of course it wasn't Savage. That would have required him to actually show up and do something to help her.
    The guard didn't take her back to her room, he took her down a level to a cinder block cell with bars across the front. Before she really knew what was happening she was back underground and locked up like a common criminal.
    She sat down on the concrete block that served as a bed and put her head in her hands. 'Way to make a total fucking fool of yourself,' she lectured herself harshly. So this was what she'd come to, a pathetic woman so desperate for a man that she'd allow herself to be kidnapped and held prisoner simply for a chance to see him. Her love for Savage was a weakness, a weakness she had to purge. She had to harden her heart and forget about him. It was all about her now.
    She stayed awake for the rest of the night, but there was no change in her situation until mid-morning. She'd been dozing a little against the

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