The Fallen (Book 1)

The Fallen (Book 1) by Dan O'Sullivan Page B

Book: The Fallen (Book 1) by Dan O'Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan O'Sullivan
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    ‘ I want him brought here.’
    ‘ That’s more easily said than done.
    ‘ But not impossible. Yes. He must be returned, but I would speak to him first. There is so much I don’t understand about his behavior. I want to take his every thought before I return him.’
    ‘ I’ve sent my Captain Borgulnay to attempt to intercept the barge before it reaches Three Ways,’ said Dannicus. ‘Against my wishes, my son Kelian has gone with him. I asked Timbul and Araas to go after him and guard him. He’s my son, so I’m overly protective.’
    ‘ I’m pleased you sent Araas and Tim. Your Captain will need help if he does encounter any of the fallen,’ said Tiernan. ‘Also, Araas and Tim both know I want Nandul brought here and if they have the chance, they will take the opportunity.’
    Karrijeuiga looked at Tiernan thoughtfully. ‘I agree that their presence at Three Ways cannot be a coincidence.’
    ‘ We must consider how to proceed should the barge be attacked,’ said Tiernan.
    ‘ Captain Cassic has a company of foot soldiers travelling with the girls,’ said Danil.
    ‘ It won’t be enough,’ said Tiernan. He turned to a guardian who was sitting quietly near one of the sandstone columns. ‘Please send for Callian.’ The guardian left the patio. ‘As you are now aware guardians are bound by rules and promises. Our duty is to guard the children, the humans, when we feel the fallen are dishonoring their agreement. When they’re acting with evil purpose we may do as we see necessary within the bounds of our laws.’
    A dark skinned guardian entered the room. He was dressed entirely in black and Danil couldn’t help noticing that he moved like a panther. Within seconds of entering the patio the guardian’s intense blue eyes had taken in every detail of the setting. He stood before Lord Tiernan and Lady Karrijeuiga and bowed his head briefly. ‘My Lord and Lady?’
    ‘ Your Majesty,’ Tiernan turned to King Dannicus. ‘This guardian is Callian, General of the guardian forces. He’s a highly skilled warrior and has led our Forces for many, many years.’ King Dannicus couldn’t help but stare at the guardian. He looked to be barely twenty years of age. Callian turned to face King Dannicus and dipped his head slightly, his eyes never leaving the King’s face.
    ‘ I’m honored to meet you, Majesty.’
    ‘ Your Majesty,’ said Tiernan, ‘could I please ask you and Yarrabyth to inform Callian of our current situation. My Lady and I must take time now to speak to your King’s Marshall and our Lady Valeska.  We will join you again shortly.’
    ‘ Valeska,’ said Karri, ‘I think every guardian in the Dwellings felt what happened earlier. Choices have consequences.’
    Valeska dropped her gaze to the floor. ‘Ní thuigim,’ she said and her voice was barely more than a whisper.
    ‘ What don’t you understand?’ Karrijeuiga asked gently.
    ‘ Choices have consequences. I don’t understand how he can pull such powerful emotions from within me. The love I feel for him is overwhelming. I know he’s the one. Mo anam cara! ’
    ‘ Your soul friend? So soon?’ Karrijeuiga looked surprised.
    ‘ I don’t understand how this can happen! I have known him for so little time, but there is no doubt!’
    ‘You’re afraid,’ said Tiernan worriedly. ‘Tell me what you have learned about the King’s Marshall. What have you sensed in him?’
    Valeska looked at Danil. Danil lowered his eyes. He knew if he looked at her, his passion for her would be laid bare for all to see. Valeska said nothing but a look of sadness swept over her face.
    ‘ Speak,’ Karrijeuiga commanded.
    ‘ See? Even now he hides his beautiful heart. He’s more like us than he is human! A fell warrior to his enemies, but he finds only grief in the taking of any life. But he’s worried too. He knows as King’s Marshall his life belongs to his King. He would willingly die for his King. Yet he feels the need to protect me. I

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