The Fallen (Book 1)

The Fallen (Book 1) by Dan O'Sullivan

Book: The Fallen (Book 1) by Dan O'Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan O'Sullivan
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across the sea, but it’s said their gifts have diminished.’
    ‘ Diminished?’ Dannicus found this intriguing.
    ‘ So I heard. I don’t agree. I haven’t seen these people so I cannot judge clearly, but perhaps they are half fallen-half humans who were rejected by their own people. The fallen will only accept their children if they possess the gifts of the fallen. Those who are more human are considered inferior. But if they are fallen they shouldn’t be in Hosatabaht. That land was also reserved for the humans.’
    ‘What other gifts do the guardians possess?’
    ‘ We have many different gifts, though we don’t all have the same gifts. Some are able to sense even the faintest flicker of life inside a body, not just to tell if someone lives, but they can sense if a child has been formed in a womb,’ Karrijeuiga explained. ‘Tiernan can sense people’s thoughts even when they intend to hide them, and I have some control over our land. It’s not a strong gift, but it’s useful. I can influence the weather – only a little, but I can do it. I can cause a bushfire to turn on itself to decrease its fury and I can…I’m not sure how to explain this, but I can increase nature.’
    ‘ I don’t understand,’ said Dannicus, looking confused.
    ‘ If I have pool of water, I can keep it full. It only works with our natural land, water, soil, salt, sand and the like,’ said Karrijeuiga, smiling at the look of surprise on the King’s face. ‘You have already seen one of our gifts,’ she continued. ‘You have seen Valeska’s gift as she led you here. She’s a pathfinder – or perhaps pathmaker would be a better word.’
    ‘ These are strange and incredible gifts,’ said King Dannicus.
    ‘ Humans are also very gifted. You only see our gifts as strange and incredible because they are different from your own,’ said Tiernan. ‘But now you must tell me more of why you have come.’
    ‘ Lord Tiernan, our agent - a girl called Jaralina - was able to eavesdrop on a conversation between Nandul of Tarl and several others of the fallen. They spoke of someone or something they needed to find, something they referred to as ‘the one’.’ Dannicus looked hopefully at Tiernan.
    For a split second Tiernan looked shaken, and then he quickly regained control of his features and turned to Karri. ‘My Lady?’
    ‘ It’s a legend.’ Karrijeuiga answered. ‘It’s said that one would rise among the fallen and he would take a woman from the guardians to father his child. The legendary woman has always been referred to as ‘the one’. Children of the guardians are rare, and we are careful to hide the existence of our children whilst they’re young. Once the guardian becomes an adult they become too powerful to be taken easily by the fallen.’
    ‘ Why would the fallen want a child of the Daoine Maithe?’ asked Danil.
    ‘ The legend suggests that such a child would possess all the freedom of the fallen and the complete power of the guardians. They believe the child would have the ability to reawaken all sleeping powers within the fallen.’
    Danil looked horrified. ‘Is this possible?’
    ‘ I don’t know,’ answered Karri. ‘But should this legend prove true the fallen could become a powerful and dangerous force.’
    ‘ They’re already powerful and dangerous, Lady,’ said Danil.
    ‘ I meant powerful and dangerous compared to the guardians. They would possess power and freedom, together with a temperament inclined to evil.’ There was silence as the King digested this information.
    ‘ Do you know who it is then, that the fallen seek?’
    ‘ Yes. I believe I do. There are not many children born of guardians,’ said Tiernan. ‘When a child is born we move the family to a human township so they can raise them amongst human children. There are rarely other children here and a child mustn’t grow up without other children to learn and play with. Louisa of Cullen Ringo is the only such child who is still

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