The Eternal Darkness
hairless.  Its human-like face was expressionless, its black eyes unreadable.
    “First, send a messenger in a swift ship to those fools who went with Creatos, and then give the orders to depart,” the demon lord commanded.  “You are to take the ships and army and head east.  You are to go crush this Tomaris and recover the Guardian’s sword.  After that, you may attack and plunder at will.”
    After they bowed and left, the demon lord stood on the patio, looking out over his army.  Seeing that force arrayed, he felt more in control.  I will show these humans once and for all who rules this world.

    Early the next morning, with the sun just above the horizon, Jake rose from his bed and began to dress.  He shook his head slightly as he put his armor on.  Only yesterday he was sure he would never need it again.  What a difference a day makes , he thought ruefully.
    He was packing his saddlebags when the connecting door opened and Hailyn came in.  She was dressed and packed, her saddlebags over her shoulder.  She gave him a small smile as she came over and helped him finish packing.
    With the scent of her perfume lightly in the air, Jake smiled as well.  He knew that she was pleased that he was still here, but had not expressed it since he was still cut off from his family.  He had mixed emotions on the situation, but as long as he was here, he was content as long as Hailyn was at his side.
    There was a light knock on his door.  He went over and opened it to find Learthe waiting outside.  “Tomaris has asked that when you are ready to please come down to his dining room to share the morning meal before your departure,” she said politely.  She glanced in the room and saw the bags on the floor.  “Can I be of any assistance this morning?”
    “No, thank you,” Jake replied.  “We are almost packed.  We will be down in a few minutes.”
    “I will inform Tomaris and have food prepared,” she answered.  With a nod of her head, she turned and left.
    Jake finished belting on his weapons and took one last look around.  Only a couple of days in a bed and it’s back on the road , he mused, shaking his head.  I hope I can spend a few weeks in bed when this is all over.  If I survive, of course .  His good humor dampened with that last thought.
    “Ready?” he asked Hailyn as he slung his saddlebags over his shoulder.
    “I’m ready,” she said, giving him a quick kiss.
    They left the room, hand in hand, walking slowly to the dining room.  When they arrived, they found Tomaris sitting at the head of the table, a fire burning in the fireplace behind him.  The sword was resting on the table in front of him.
    “Come and sit, children,” he said warmly.  “I have a few last words to share before you leave.”
    He waited until Jake and Hailyn were seated.  “I know that this task seems daunting, even impossible.  But many would have deemed it impossible for you to recover the sword.  You must keep faith in your power and in each other.”
    He picked up a long leather scabbard that was lying on the floor next to his chair.  “I had this made yesterday for you.  Its straps allow you to carry it slung across your back.”  He lifted the sword, the blade flaring, and slid it into the scabbard.
    He held it in his hands for a moment and looked over at Jake, his countenance somber. “However, there is something that you will not like.  To maintain our deception, you must not use the sword.”
    “Are you crazy?” Jake asked, dumbfounded by the statement.  “You want us to go in search of this demon lord and we can’t use the sword?  Why not just-” he cut off when Tomaris raised a hand.
    “Hear me out,” Tomaris said patiently.  “The sword’s very presence will aid you, increasing your power, as you know.  With its presence and Hailyn’s bracelet, you should be a match for any demon you may encounter.  If you touch or use it before you reach him, the demon lord

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