The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles by Andrew Wood Page B

Book: The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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carcases courtesy of Maxim, there were also the large breeches in the outer wall to repair. The enemy were still out there, and in large numbers, so many of the soldiers and guards would have little time to rest, before returning to their usual duties.
    As the magicians all returned to the rooms they had called home since their arrival at Pitford, it soon became apparent just how many young lives had been lost. Where once there had been two or three young magicians to some rooms, there were now some bereft of any students at all. The small haven Ramon had created for them had ultimately achieved its goal, and although Kothia still remained undefeated, its very existence hung in the balance. For them to continue their fight they needed a leader to unite the people, and with Oran now gone, it would be left to his thirteen-year-old son to do just that. 
    By evening, Pitford was once more as secure as it could be, with the breeches temporarily filled with piles of rubble, and the walls patrolled by the tired over worked soldiers. Several large fires burned outside the outer wall, as the bodies of the enemy were unceremoniously piled high and set alight, the flames crackling and dancing high into the night sky.
    Connor was reunited with Maxim, and although the young elementalist had absolutely no idea what he was going to do with his new friend, it was his responsibility to look after him for now. Mikel was similarly lumbered with Tia, and Melia was left with Samuel, after Ramon had told them in no uncertain terms, he had far too much to do without worrying about Bosarian refugees. As a result, Melia at least was given a now vacant room next to the boys, so Samuel and Tia could be close together.
    Zack had spent much of the afternoon and evening with his aunt and cousins, mainly in part with Anden. Ramon had tasked him with the job of explaining to the young prince what would now be expected of him. Tiana, his aunt had become so upset the healers had been forced to sedate her, and as such, she was now resting. The young princess Frena was clearly confused as to what had and was still going on. The death of her father had been explained as best they could to her, and although she had wept a flood of tears at the news, Zack was uncertain that she was fully aware her father was never coming back.
    Anden had kept a brave face, and although there had been a few tears, the boy, only a few years younger than Zack, had remained calm. Ramon's instructions, although might have sounded uncaring, were to make sure the prince understood what was expected of him. A new king would have to crowned and in power within the next few days, and Anden needed to be ready. Despite the prince being bought up on the understanding he would one day be king, it was quickly apparent he was not ready to become one.
    Anden had always been a happy child, and having such a privileged lifestyle, had ultimately left him with a certain naivety as to what life was actually like for others.  Zack had no time for niceties and told his younger cousin straight, that he needed to put the child behind him, and become a man. No more would he be able to wander off and play when he felt like it, or throw a strop because he could not have his own way. Zack was only too aware the general public would not follow a child king, that could not appreciate or understand, just how tough life actually was. They needed to show Anden off as a sympathetic, caring young man, who worked for the good of the people, not a spoiled brat who threw a strop every time somebody disagreed with him.
    Zack as a young royal had been well schooled, in not only reading and writing, but also how government worked, or at least how it should work. Oran's sudden death had left him with a huge task; although one, he was strangely finding he was looking forward too. After leaving Anden to rest, Zack needed to seek out Ramon, and after strolling down the corridor a few yards, he

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