The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles by Andrew Wood Page A

Book: The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
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sounding as much surprised as he did relieved. Katria turned to reply and stood in shock, as she watched the bolt of an enemy crossbow thump into Oran's chest. She looked into her king's eyes and could do nothing to stop the man slumping to the ground.
    Katria called out for help, which quickly arrived in the form of two soldiers standing no more than a few yards away. "Quickly...we need a healer," she shouted in panic. How could this happen now, after all they had been through. The battle was all but over, Oran had held firm and defeated the enemy, only to be hit by a stray bolt. Katria watched on as the body of the king was carried down to the keep yard, where a healer was rushing through the small crowd gathering. Even though the healer had not yet looked at the King, Katria knew it was not going to be good news.

    Chapter 11.
    With the last of the enemy either having fled or vanquished, Ramon and the others made their way through the opened gates of the inner wall. Those soldiers on foot, following behind from Denley were making their way up the road toward the main gates. The bodies of the enemy dead were starting to be piled up ready for burning, whilst those from Kothia were placed on carts ready for burial.
    Ramon was greeted by a tearful looking Katria, who took him by the arm to pull him to one side, "Oran has fallen," she said clearly still shocked. Ramon felt numb as the words hit him, "He's dead?" he asked just to confirm he had heard and understood correctly. Katria nodded sadly, and Ramon felt the hurt of losing a good friend, a man he respected and a man that had done so much for people like him. "I should be the one to tell Tiana and the children," he said softly, not really looking forward to the task ahead.
    Zack and Mikel helped Maxim back to their old room, when the knock came at the door. A tearful looking Ramon stood at the door, "I need you to come with me please Zack. Your uncle has fallen and Tiana is understandably not taking it well, as the closest family member, I need you to explain to Anden what will be needed from him." Zack was not sure what to say, news his uncle was dead was a shock, and Ramon was already lining Anden up to take the throne.
    Ramon must have sensed Zack's thoughts, "I know you may think I am being a little heartless Zack, but Anden needs to take his father's place as soon as possible. If the nation remains leaderless, what little cohesion we have left will fall apart." Zack nodded, he knew exactly what Ramon meant, yes, they had won a great victory, but that did not mean the fighting was over. The nation was still divided with itself, and without a king, the government would be the only leadership for the people to chose. Anden though was still a child, and although he was next in line, Zack was unsure as to whether people would follow a boy they barely knew. Despite all his reservations, he knew what he needed to do, and why Ramon wanted him to do it.
    Zack turned to his friends, before relaying the news Ramon had just given him. Naturally, both Mikel and Maxim were both as shocked as he was, the latter of whom tried to get up, "I'll be fine Max...I need to go see Anden, I'll be back in a while, you should rest," he added before slowly turning for the door.
    News that the king had fallen, spread quickly around Pitford, and although the people returning to their homes had been saved, they felt little reason to be jubilant. Not only had they lost their king, but also many of their friends and neighbours. The Kothians may have had their victory, but it had not come without a heavy price in lives.
    The clean up needed to start almost immediately, and although many of the homes between the inner and outer walls had gone undamaged, there had been a number that had; mindlessly torched for no reason other than to cause damage. As well as the hundreds of bodies that were being removed, some of them little more than blackened

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