The Elder Blood Chronicles Bk 1 In Shades of Grey

The Elder Blood Chronicles Bk 1 In Shades of Grey by Melissa Myers

Book: The Elder Blood Chronicles Bk 1 In Shades of Grey by Melissa Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Myers
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Magic, dark fantasy, epic fantasy, socercer
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found the
girl, and despite how many times we have asked about her fate,
you’ve kept us like mushrooms.” Havoc glared at Caspian. “I’m sick
of sitting in the dark and being fed shit, Milord.”
    “Watch your tongue, Firym,” Lutheron warned
in a voice that was more promise than threat.
    “I’m done with that Lutheron, if you want me
to shut up then come silence me,” Havoc shot back, his temper
rising. “I want answers, and I want them now. I’m done with this
‘in good time’ crap.”
    Victory gave a slight groan. This would be
worse than usual. He had sworn to obey Caspian and yet he had also
sworn to protect his partner. He glanced at Havoc and then to
Caspian and then to Lutheron who seemed to be rising from his
chair, as deadly silent as the shadows that seemed to surround him.
He rose slowly from his own chair and placed a hand on the hilt of
his sword. This wasn’t a fight he wanted at all, but Havoc didn’t
seem inclined to give him a choice.
    “Stop this at once and return to your seats!
You as well, Lutheron!” Symphony’s voice cut through the room like
a whip, and Victory found himself sitting once more without being
aware of even moving. To his amazement, Lutheron was seated, as
well. Havoc, as stubborn as always, remained standing his gaze
locked on Caspian.
    “I swore to obey Caspian, not you Symphony. I
mean no offense, but this does not concern you,” Havoc growled.
    “If you want your answers, you will bloody
well sit your ass down,” she snapped back in a voice that would do
any field commander proud. Her expression was deadly serious, her
hand on the hilt of her own blade.
    Havoc turned a glare toward her and slowly
sat back down. His eyes never left her face and his expression said
she had limited time to explain before this got ugly again. A
Firym’s temper was never something to scoff at. Victory knew that
particular lesson well. During the early part of their partnership,
he had been in more fights than he could count, due to that temper.
He had actually gone so far as to pray to an Aspect or two for a
change of partner. Things were different now. They had been through
too much together and had fought beside each other too long. If
Havoc pushed this fight, he would back his partner, Aspects be
damned. He had to admit that Havoc did have a point. For ten years,
they had watched over Jala from a distance. In a way, she was under
their protection, and they did have a right to know.
    “We need her because of her Bloodlines. Since
the fall of Merro, her line is extinct. We need her trained so she
can access her powers to their full potential. We have kept her at
the Temple to keep her pure and free of the backbiting nature of
Immortals. We wanted her untainted by political ties or House wars.
She must make her own judgments. Due to that lack of knowledge, we
have placed her in a delicate situation, so I send Charm.” She
motioned to the rogue and continued to match Havoc’s glare. “He
will watch over her without her even knowing. That is why he has
been chosen. You are not a subtle creature, Havoc, which you have
proven quite clearly today. For now, that is all the answers you
are going to get. I will not jeopardize the girl further to comfort
you, no matter how loudly you whine.”
    Havoc seethed at her words and started to
rise again.
    “Move from that chair and I’ll have your legs
off at the knees,” Symphony growled.
    “I believe I will take Isador with me.”
Charm’s voice cut through the tension like a knife. He dropped
lightly down from the rafters landing as gracefully as a cat. He
wasn’t a very large man barely at the height of five ten with a
build of wiry muscle. He crossed the room soundlessly, his soft
boots making not even a scuff on the stone floor. He wore dark
leathers all shades of grey to blend with any shadows. “I will
watch her as if she were my own daughter, Havoc. If you like, I
shall make reports to you and Victory so that you may be at

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