The Dungeons of Torgar

The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Dungeons of Torgar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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established his command post. He is observing the enemy line through a telescope and dictating orders to his heralds, who commit his words to parchment and dispatch them to his regiments in the field.
    Illustration XVI —The Battle of Cetza: Troop positions at dawn.
    ‘We outnumber the enemy two to one, but they are well positioned to receive our attack,’ comments the Prince, handing you his telescope so that you can scan their lines.
    The town of Cetza is little more than a handful of ruined cottages clustered on a flat-topped hill. To the north lies a wood and a small hill on which a ruined temple stands; to the south lies an orchard surrounded by a low wall, and further on, open grassland bisected by a ditch that runs the whole length of the battlefield. The road from Luomi crosses the ditch at a stone bridge which is barricaded and heavily defended. The enemy have also been busy to the north. A mass of pointed stakes form a barrier between the two hills to impede any attempt by cavalry to break through the centre, and all along this defensive line are row upon row of Drakkarim archers.
    An unnatural calm descends on the field, as though time momentarily stands still. Suddenly the quiet is shattered by a fanfare of trumpets from King Sarnac's camp. It is the signal to advance.
    Turn to 150 .

    Shortly after dawn you discover a track which winds its way northwards through the rough-barked pines. ‘This old game-trail will lead us down to Smuggler's Nook,’ says Jarel, chewing on a piece of dried meat he has pulled from his pack. ‘I reckon we should get there this side o' noon.’
    His prediction comes true, for it is mid-morning when you arrive at a ragged group of plank huts on the bank of a fast-flowing river. At one time these shanties were the thriving centre of illegal trafficking in gold and gems. The citizens of Pirsi, who mine these rich resources in the Eru Range, used to smuggle their precious cargoes out of the country by boat, choosing to risk the dangers of the Hellswamp rather than pay the Prince his taxes. It was only after the Prince decreed the death penalty for such smuggling, and employed Pathfinders to help enforce his law, that the Pirsians finally gave up their illegal trade.
    Turn to 231 .

    You draw your golden sword, and its cleansing light washes over the Demonlord's unwholesome form. He growls uneasily, as if sickened by the close proximity of such a noble blade, and slowly he withdraws into the temple. Roark and his followers huddle in the corner and watch with fearful eyes as their master prepares to attack.
    Demonlord Tagazin: COMBAT SKILL  45    ENDURANCE  65
    This supernatural being is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).
    If you reduce his ENDURANCE to 20 points or less, 8 do not continue combat but turn instead to 20 .
    [8] If you automatically kill Tagazin, he doesn't die but is severely weakened. You should still turn to Section 20 .

    ‘Very well,’ says the captain. He looks towards the bar and shakes his head. Your muscles tense as you get ready to dive to the floor but, to your relief, all you hear is the owner placing his crossbow on the counter. ‘I shall take you to Jarel, but you must agree to wear a blindfold: it's a safeguard, for your own good as well as his. If you were to be captured and tortured by the enemy, you would be unable to tell them where the partisans are encamped.’
    He summons the owner, who produces a square of black cloth from his pocket and winds it around your eyes. The captain leads you outside and helps you onto your horse and the two of you set off along a secret forest trail. After two hours in the saddle you reach your destination and the blindfold is removed.
    Turn to 25 .

    You fight with breathtaking skill and every blow you land leaves an enemy dead at your feet. ‘Pull back!’ you shout, as you cut and thrust at the snarling Hammerlanders. ‘Pull back to the bridge!’
    Gradually the survivors extricate

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