Soldiers in Heat: Training Session
at the hotel
so I won’t cover it again. I have one question for you. At the day
in question, what was your relationship to Candidate
    “ I was his squad leader,
    “ I see, and what was it you two
were discussing when your legally separated from
ex-husband walked in?”
    “ Candidate Harvey wanted to
apologize for his behavior from the previous day. While in
training, he didn’t conduct himself as a leader and threw a sort of
temper tantrum, sir.”
    “ Apologizing for his behavior. Not
planning a rendezvous.” He smiled at the board members. “That is
all I have for this witness.”
    Kimberly was allowed to step down. Captain
Brown was called into the room next.
    Captain Fink addressed him, “Sir, what has
been the conduct of Candidate Woodson while in the
    “ I’d take twenty more like her.
She’s a hard worker and motivates others. A few weeks ago, she hurt
herself and pretended like she didn’t. I could tell she was hurt
bad, but she sucked it up and kept going. From my own personal
observation, I haven’t seen anything that would indicate a
relationship between Candidate Woodson and Candidate Harvey.
Honestly, I don’t think she cared for him very much, but she did
tolerate him.” Captain Brown sat in the chair more relaxed than she
had been.
    “ In your opinion, should she have
been removed from the class?”
    “ No. In my opinion, Sergeant First
Class Woodson should be reprimanded for bringing a frivolous
charge. He set out to have her removed from the course in
retaliation for their separation.” Captain Brown made eye contact
with each board member as he spoke.
    To Kimberly’s surprise, Craig and Zimmerman
were called in as witnesses as well. They both spoke highly of her
and verified there was no relationship between her and Harvey.
Craig added had it not been for Kimberly’s husband showing up, then
she probably would have shown up to eat dinner with others in the
    Staff Sergeant Jackson spoke about her
husband’s behavior since she’s been at HHC. “In my opinion, the man
is gunning for her with both barrels open. He calls my office and
makes a complaint every time she doesn’t answer his call. I
explained how HHC works, but he hears nothing of it. He needs to
get a psychiatric evaluation, if you ask me.”
    The opposing counsel gave his closing
statement which was the same as his opening statement. Captain Fink
advised them to follow the evidence.
    “ This concludes the hearing, and
you will have our decision soon,” the head of the board
    They cleared out and left the building. Harvey
looked at her, shrugged his shoulders, and headed back to HHC. His
fate was on the line, but the opposing counsel didn’t grill
    “ Where you seen at the hotel with
Candidate Woodson?” he asked.
    “ Yes, sir. But…we…”
    He raised his hand silencing Harvey. “No
further questions.”
    The counsel’s focus was on Kimberly, because
her husband had been the one to file the complaint.
    Soon? How long would that be? From
experience, Army soon was never fast.
    “ No worries. If you weren’t going
to win, the closing statement would have been more of a reprimand.
I’ll expect you’ll hear something within the next forty-eight to
seventy-two hours.” Captain Fink gave her a pat on the back and
went his to his car, leaving her standing outside the building

Chapter Twenty
    Kimberly finished putting up the lawn mower in
the shed and followed the others inside the main HHC trailer. She
grabbed a cup of Gatorade and headed to the dayroom to rest until
it was time for their final formation. It was the end of the week,
three days had passed and she hadn’t heard a word about the board’s
    “ I’ll be going back to class when
the next class starts,” McCoy said. She sat on the couch next to
    After her third day at HHC, Kimberly decided
to give the people there a chance. She found out McCoy had actually

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