The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
you’re holding us up from eating,” he snaps. Shit, they can eat
without me. Why didn’t Draken come and get me himself? You are not
allowed to have sex with me and leave your brother to come fetch me
like a pet. I’m leaving. I feel Hawk pulling me down the hall. “I
see you’re not good at taking orders, if you plan on “dating” my
brother, orders you will be given, and orders you will take,” Hawk
says, walking me quickly to the white dining room. Showken, Gemi,
and Layern are all sitting waiting, I assume for me.
    “Yes, she is here, now, let’s eat,”
Gemi says, and begins to dig into a very lavish breakfast. It’s
just Saturday, not a special occasion, yet the food laid out is in
huge amounts. Why do they eat so much? And where the hell is
Draken? Why is he not at the table?
    “Draken had to make a run, Cess, he
will be joining us soon,” Layern says, to my unspoken concern.
Layern has such pain behind his eyes. I never noticed it before,
but he seems sad, lost even. I wonder why?
    “Why don’t you wait for him? You
waited for me,” I say, still standing. I’m not sure about being
here with all of these sexy, good-looking men. I notice Showken’s
huge smile, and relax instantly. He knows how to make you feel
    “We always wait for the lady in the
house, Cess. Please, come sit and eat,” Showken says, waving his
hand for me to sit across from him. I go and sit, and he fixes my
plate for me. These men take my breath away with all this
attention. I could get used to this.
    “Thank you for fixing my plate,” I
say, grabbing a fork and eating the eggs. They are so good. All
this food, if I eat with them I’m going to be huge. We eat in
silence a few minutes, before Hawk speaks.
    “So, Cess, I would love to know how
you - I mean, I would love to know about you,” Hawken
    “Well, umm, Hawken. I don’t have much
to say about myself, except, I’m very wealthy, the first daughter
and granddaughter to some very powerful men. Perhaps you have heard
of my family name, Lamil?” I say, with a glare. I don’t like
Hawken, and he doesn’t like me either. If using my family name gets
him to think twice about upsetting me, then I will.
    “As a matter of fact, I have heard of
Lamil. Powerful, you say they are?” He smirks. What is it with him?
I put on my best smile and continue to eat. I can’t wait until
Draken comes back from his run.
    “Hawken, enough,” Layern says, and I
notice them all staring at him. He smiles, and yikes, he is
gorgeous too. This gene pool of brothers is unreal. How many
brothers are there, I wonder?
    “Cess, I apologize for my mouth, it
gets me into trouble often. I would hate such a beautiful lady as
yourself to be angry with me. Do you accept my apology?” Hawken
    “You’re fine, Hawken, there is no harm
done,” I say, wondering is it my name that made him squirm, or the
looks from his brothers.
    We eat the rest of the meal in
silence. I can’t eat much, as I continue to think about my night
with Draken. “Umm”, I moan out loud, “Hmmm,” closing my eyes. I
open one eye and notice everyone is staring at me. Damn, I didn’t
mean to do that out loud. Everyone is staring at me, with smiles
and smirks.
    “Have a good night, Cess?” Showken
asks, taking a huge forkful of food.
    “Umm, yes. I slept well,” I say,
    “You were in my brother’s room all
night, Cess, sleep is not what you got, I’m sure,” Showken says,
laughing and stuffing his mouth with more food.
    “Huh, Cess, we all know our brother
and you were in his bed last night,” Hawken says, stuffing food in
his mouth, too. They all eat as much as twenty men.
    “Well, umm, can we change the subject,
please?” I say feeling the blush over my face again. I really wish
you were here now, Draken, your brothers would behave for you. Just
as I have that thought Draken walks in, looking fabulous, I want
    “Stop asking questions,” he says,

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