The Dogtown Tourist Agency

The Dogtown Tourist Agency by Jack Vance Page A

Book: The Dogtown Tourist Agency by Jack Vance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Vance
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    “I remember Gidion Dirby, but our acquaintance was…well, almost casual. Certainly so, from my point of view.”
    Hetzel looked down across the landscape—a savanna carpeted with green-black furze and clots of spike trees. In the far-eastern distance a glimmer of sea was visible, then a blur of atmospheric murk. Hetzel asked, “How did you happen to meet Gidion Dirby?”
    “First,” said Janika, “tell me what he’s done, and also why you’re so mysterious.”
    “Gidion Dirby is suspected of assassinating two Triarchs. I am not so much mysterious as confused and suspicious.”
    “Confused about what? And who are you suspicious of? Me? I haven’t done anything.”
    “I’m confused about Istagam…and why there is so much secrecy involved. Presumably the reason is money. I’m suspicious because effectuators are paid to be suspicious, and I’m an effectuator. A high-class and expensive effectuator, needless to say. I’m suspicious of you because you were associated with Gidion Dirby on Tamar, and here you are on Maz.”
    “Sheer coincidence,” said Janika.
    “Possibly. Why were you on Tamar?”
    “Tamar was where my money took me when I left Varsilla. I worked for a week in the Central Market at Twisselbane, and I worked another week in what they call their Pageant of the Foam,because it paid quite well. I had to dance and pose with not too many clothes on—occasionally none at all. While we were rehearsing, I met Gidion Dirby, who told me he was a spaceman, and lonely.”
    “Like all spacemen.”
    “I saw him a few times, and he became…well…possessive. Apparently he had fallen in love with me, and I was having trouble enough with one of the directors of the pageant. So I stopped seeing Gidion Dirby. I worked a week at the pageant, and some friends introduced me to Vv. Byrrhis, who mentioned that the Maz Tourist Agency needed a receptionist. I was only too pleased to leave the pageant and Director Swince. Vv. Byrrhis made me sign a six-month contract and gave me a ticket to Maz, and here I am.”
    “You never saw Gidion Dirby again?”
    “I’d almost forgotten him until just now.”
    “Very odd.” They flew over an arm of the sea, a leaden expanse glistening with green luster. “You’ve been here how long?”
    “About three months.”
    “With another three months to go on your contract. Then what?”
    “I’m not sure. I’ll have enough money to go almost anywhere. I’d like to visit Earth.”
    “You might be disappointed. Earth is a most subtle world. Very few outworlders feel at ease on Old Earth, unless they have friends there.”
    Janika turned him an arch side glance. “Will you be there?”
    “I couldn’t tell you where I’ll be a week from now.”
    “Don’t you ever want to settle down somewhere?”
    “I’ve thought about it. Gidion Dirby has invited me to his father’s loquat orchard.”
    Janika made a sound of scornful amusement. “Gidion Dirby. You came to Maz on his account?”
    “No. I came to learn something about Istagam. But the two matters might be connected.”
    Janika said, “Perhaps I’ll become an effectuator. It seems like fun. One always stays in the best hotels and meets interesting people like myself, and there’s always a Sir Ivon Hacaway to pay the bills.”
    “It’s not always like this.”
    “And what takes us out toward the Great Kykh-Kych Swamp? Gidion Dirby business or Istagam?”
    “Both. And then there’s another most peculiar element to the case, by the name of Casimir Wuldfache.”
    The name seemed to mean nothing to Janika. For a period they rode in silence over a sprawling range of ancient basalt mountains, black crags protruding like rotten stumps from maroon detritus. Janika pointed. “Look yonder—the castle of the Viszt.” She took up binoculars. “Warriors are returning from a campaign, probably against the Shimrod, and the tourists have been cheated again.” She passed the binoculars to Hetzel and showed him

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