The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

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Book: The Dog Cancer Survival Guide by Susan Ettinger Demian Dressler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Ettinger Demian Dressler
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species. Vets may also use a drug approved for a condition in one species in a totally different species, and even for a different condition. There are two chemotherapy drugs approved for use specifically in dogs; both are approved for some types of mast cell tumors: Palladia and Kinavet CA-1. Many, but not all, other chemotherapy treatments used in conventional care have been reviewed for safety and efficacy in dogs, but do not have specific FDA approval. If a treatment (drug or not) has been in use for a long time and is successful, it is considered valid, even if there are no FDA studies “proving” its validity. Most pragmatic vets agree with this point of view, although a few demand more proof.
    Homeopathy : An alternative medical practice started in Germany in the late eighteenth century, homeopathy uses extremely diluted substances to stimulate symptoms similar to what the patient is already experiencing, according to the principle of “like cures like.” For example, if the patient is coughing, a remedy might be given that would cause coughing in a healthy person. Despite this counter-intuitive reasoning, homeopathy has been shown to be useful for certain forms of brain cancer, in combination with drugs. It may also be useful for other cancers. I recommend consulting with a veterinarian trained in homeopathy, if you are interested in using it.
    Immune System : The body’s defense against external microbes and viruses, and also the body’s “cleanup crew” for deranged and mutated cells. Incredibly complex, it can be strengthened or weakened by nutrition, emotional states, sleep (or lack of it) and stress. A strong immune system deploys cancer-fighting cells to destroy cancer, but if cancer overwhelms the system (which it can), immunity is suppressed. This creates a higher risk for secondary infections. There is even evidence that cancer can recruit certain immune cells to help the cancer spread or metastasize. For more details on how the immune system operates, see the vaccination discussion on page 87 . Strategic boosting of the immune system is an important part of Full Spectrum cancer care.
    In Vitro : Means “in glass” and often refers to a treatment that is tested in a test tube, a petri dish, or in other equipment in a lab. Many promising cancer therapies work very well
in vitro
, but not in vivo .
    In Vivo : Literally translated as “in life,” this often refers to a treatment that is tested in a living body. If a tested cancer treatment works
in vivo,
it is more promising.
    Inflammation : This refers to a protective response of body tissues to injury or irritation. There are many factors involved in creating inflammation; the main characteristics are pain, warmth, swelling and redness. But if inflammation becomes chronic or excessive, it can become problematic; arthritis, asthma, allergies, and other diseases are associated with inflammation. Inflammation is also implicated in cancer promotion, which is why managing it is an important part of Full Spectrum cancer care.
    Initiation : According to the genetic mutation theory of cancer, initiation is the first stage of cancer development. In this stage, a cell’s DNA is damaged beyond repair, often including the DNA involved with apoptosis (natural cell death).
    Local Invasion : When cancer tumors spread to the healthy tissues immediately surrounding the tumor, we call it local invasion. Local invasion is therefore different from metastasis , which is cancer that has spread to distant locations in the body.
    Lymphatic System : The lymphatic system is a type of circulatory system that runs throughout the body. A vast network of tubes that are connected to body organs and tissues, the lymphatics carry a clear fluid called lymph. The lymph carries white blood cells, making it a crucial component of the immune system . A map of the lymphatics resembles a busy subway system, with the tubes, the tracks, and the lymph glands or nodes (filters that catch

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