The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches)

The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches) by Lauren McMinn Page A

Book: The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches) by Lauren McMinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren McMinn
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He thought he had his life in perfect control, and he had thought he was happy in it. Sure he got lonely, but he had D, Seb, and Justin. He had even had some relationships, though he knew they were doomed to failure in the end. But if someone had told him that he would actually want a relationship, and to share his life with someone other than his siblings, he would have denied it.
    Everything went into little boxes, and it was better that way. When he told Skylar he’d do anything for his family, he wasn’t lying or exaggerating. He really would do anything no matter the consequences to him. Perhaps it was part of being an air witch, and deeply tuned into the feelings of others even if he wasn’t actively reading their minds, but when someone close to him was hurting, so was he.

    The question on the line was whether he could extend the same level of care towards a partner, towards Skylar. And even if he could, would he want to? He was aligned with Skylar, which made him want to draw her near and never let her go. It didn’t hurt that she was beautiful. He’d gotten to know a lot about her over the last week, because while he was mostly quiet, he was listening. She was a giving person, despite how her mother, aunt, and someone else had done her wrong. He didn’t want to intrude on her thoughts too much, but he could tell that there was someone else who had hurt Skylar badly. He didn’t want to be the next in the line.
    But, and he kept coming back to this, he had a well organized life. Skylar’s redesign of parts of the house had already proven that she would destroy any sense of order. So the second question would have to be if he was willing to sacrifice his control over his plans to make room for his match. But now that he had met her, he was sure that nothing would ever be the same. He’d still want her now that he had met her. But should he go through with it? Should he make her his?
    Before he came up with any answers, her eyes opened and she smiled sleepily.  “Sorry. I blame Timothy for working my magic so hard.”
    “ It’s not a problem. Anytime you need a lap to sleep on, I’m here.” He was rather horrified at the idea that he had just said that. Totally not what he would have planned.
    “ I may just take you up on it.” She stretched as she sat up slowly. How could stretching be so sexy? “Looks like the movie’s over.” The credits were, in fact, rolling. “Thanks for the ear. And well, the lap.”
    She leaned over to give him a thank-you kind of kiss. But she tasted too damn good. He grabbed her wrist when she made to move back. “Don’t tempt a man if you don’t want to follow through.”
    “ What if it was testing the waters?” She asked softly. Skylar pulled back into him and gave him another kiss, but not as quick. The kiss got deeper and hotter.
    Leo wasn’t used to aggressive women, but he found that he liked it with Skylar. She forced him onto his back and insinuated herself on top of him, still kissing him passionately.
    She broke off for just a second. “Good enough for follow through?”
    He couldn’t find his voice, so he made a strangled noise and nodded.
    “ Good.” She winked, slid off him, and walked off with a little extra sway in her hips. “Sleep well,” she said as she left and blew him a little kiss.
    Leo lay back down and smiled. Why on Earth did he think he had the ability to make a choice when it came to Skylar?
    Skylar was full of nerves as she ascended the stairs to her bedroom. That had been totally unlike her. She’d never been the aggressor, not even with Jeremy. She’d never enjoyed a kiss more, either. So she closed the door, sat down on the bed, and tried to stop the shaking. Apparently all the things Justin and Dymphna had said were true. Perhaps she was really meant to be with Leo, and he was the only one would ever really satisfy her.  Skylar wasn’t sure if that was a comforting thought or not.
    She quickly

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