The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1)

The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1) by Roxy Sinclaire, Stella Noir

Book: The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1) by Roxy Sinclaire, Stella Noir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy Sinclaire, Stella Noir
Stavros took a deep breath, reining in his temper. The man leaned down to brush a kiss across her lips, then waited as she went inside. Stavros could feel his blood boiling. So, this is who she's been evading me for . Watching the man drive off, he was tempted to follow so he could beat the bastard to a pulp. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel, and he counted to ten in effort to control his rage.
    The light in her apartment was flicked on. He watched her silhouette move around the room for a few minutes. Ten minutes passed before he finally stepped out into the night and made his way inside. Glancing around the foyer, he frowned. There was no doorman, nor any kind of security. He took the stairs by two. Stopping at the front of her door, he knocked and waited.
    It wasn’t long before the door was flung open by a towel-clad Kiana. “You didn’t even ask who it was,” he said softly. “You should be more careful.”
    Kiana’s eyes widened. “I-I thought it was—”
    “Your boyfriend?”
    His tone was low and deadly, sending a chill down her spine. Squaring her shoulders she answered boldly, she answered, “Yes.”
    Stavros stepped into her living room, his imposing figure making the place feel smaller than it actually was. Towering over her, he flashed a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you, Kiana.”
    Her mouth opened and closed. She almost admitted that she wasn’t disappointed and that Marcus wasn’t exactly her boyfriend, although he would very much like to be. Instead, she asked, “What are you doing here? It’s after ten; don’t you have other women to attend to?”
    His lips curled. “There is only one that I want to attend to. Why haven’t you showed up at the clinic?”
    “I quit.”
    “Without a word? You did sign a contract.”
    “Fuck the contract,” she spat.
    With a laugh, he stated, “I could take you to court.”
    “Feel free, Dr. Kane.” She would be damned if she let him brainwash her for whatever sick reason he was brainwashing other women. She shuddered. It was probably to have them submit to him sexually. The thought made her sick and jealous at the same time. God, I need help . “You should go.”
    “You don’t really want me to.”
    “What makes you think you know what I want?”
    His eyes dropped to move lazily over her body. She was reminded that she was clad only in a towel. She was on her way to shower when she heard the knock and assumed it was Marcus. Tugging at the short towel, she tried her best to not let his heated gaze affect her. But it was rather difficult. Her body temperature began to slowly rise, bringing a slight flush to her skin, and her breathing became more labored. Those gray eyes were lethal.
    Stavros smirked knowingly, “I’m sure you now know the answer to your question.” Stepping closer, he covered the distance between them. “Your body calls to me, Kiana. Why resist it?” He reached up a hand to slide his fingers across her cheek. “You want me to stay. You want me to touch you. You want me to take all of you. No matter how much you deny it, I’ll always know.”
    Kiana stared up at him, her knees weakening. Her gaze lowered to his lips, silently begging him to kiss her. “You may make my body come alive, but it’s just sex. I can have that with any number of men.”
    “Stop lying to yourself,” he ordered in a whisper, lowering his head toward her. Stavros swallowed her protest as his mouth crushed her. His heart jumped at the sound of her soft moan. Pulling her closer, he forced her head back, deepening the kiss, devouring her mouth with violent movements. Her eyes closed and her hands reached around his neck.
    Backing her toward the couch he pushed her down lightly to loom over her. Lifting both hands over her head, he pinned her wrists down. Dazed by her own desire, she didn’t realize what he intended. He reached into his back pocket, uncapping the syringe and swiftly plunging it into her

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